JohanDegraeve / xdripswift

xdrip for iOS, written in Swift
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Update Live Activities Shortcut for Automation #531

Open haydensp opened 2 months ago

haydensp commented 2 months ago

Hi there,

First I just wanted to thank everyone who is working on this app, you folks are incredible and your app is honestly indispensable when it comes to running Dexcoms and monitoring diabetes.

The implementation of the live view feature is fantastic, I have tried a bunch of other ones, but yours really provides the cleanest and best display of BG trends.

If I can make a feature request? Would you be able to add a shortcut option so we can automate refreshing the live view notification? That is one thing that the "Sweet Dreams" app has going for it that we're missing here. Not a big deal, but it would be really convenient.

I believe it's an Apple thing, but the live view notification tends to turn off after a certain amount of time (I believe it's 8 hours) after which you have to go and reopen the app to refresh the persistent notification. It would be great to have the option to automate this so that I can count on my BG living on my lock screen forever.

Thanks again for everything, your work is very much appreciated.

paulplant commented 2 months ago

I found this:

It doesn't help much but I guess we can investigate more using this as a base.

To be fair, I was expecting complaints from a small number of users about the need to re-open the app after several hours (by adding a small reminder to the live activity after 7.75 hours) but to be fair, nobody has ever said anything or even really noticed that the live activities die after 8 hours because they always interact minimally with the app at least once during this time.