JohanDegraeve / xdripswift

xdrip for iOS, written in Swift
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Feature Suggestion: Spanned Notes #533

Open BrightScreenTV opened 2 months ago

BrightScreenTV commented 2 months ago


I was wondering if it would be useful to have a notes option on the main graph.

Sometimes I'm asked by a clinician about specific highs or lows on my readings. My idea is that the user would have two extra buttons presented along the bottom of the main screen called 'Note Start' and 'Note End'. When the user taps the first button, a point on the graph could be tapped to mark the start of the highlighted readings. Tapping the second button and then tapping on the graph again marks the end of the highlighted section. Once the buttons are pressed they should probably toggle on/off so that accidentally tapping instead of scrolling the graph can be corrected.

After selections have been made, a text field could appear to allow note entry. The supplied text would then be displayed within the highlighted area. I've mocked up what it could look like:

xDrip Span

It may be that another option is added to the Settings screen to show or hide the spanned notes, but I'd suggest that it might be best just to have them permanently on.

Hope this is of interest, and if so, I'd be happy to give the coding a go.



m-a-v commented 1 month ago

Nightscout supports the entry of notes at a specific point in time. I also think that this is more practical for the display. Spike had supported such a feature and then synchronized the data with Nightscout.

BrightScreenTV commented 1 month ago

Sorry, just to confirm: do you mean that it's more practical to leave any note recording to Nightscout or that specific points in time are more advantageous that spanned ones?

m-a-v commented 1 month ago

Specific points in time will make interaction easier and also synchronization.

BrightScreenTV commented 1 month ago

I think - if it were given the go ahead - it'd be a trivial matter of making the end of a spanned note, an option rather than a necessity. I feel there'd be minimal extra storage required to have an end data there.

The user could tap to enter a note and with little/no extra prompting also have an opportunity to mark the end-date of the note.

It's a good point you make, though: it never occurred to me that someone might be put off this feature because of the necessity to enter more parameters than they wanted to. Thanks.

m-a-v commented 1 month ago

I feel this will make everything more complex: synchronization, interaction, etc. I don't see the advantage of having a span for an action. Only my 2 cents ...