JohanDegraeve / xdripswift

xdrip for iOS, written in Swift
GNU General Public License v3.0
316 stars 310 forks source link

5.3.0 Staging #551

Open paulplant opened 1 week ago

paulplant commented 1 week ago

Simulator Screenshot - iPhone 15 Pro - 2024-06-30 at 14 51 59



marionbarker commented 6 days ago

I was not able to run GitHub Action Add Identifiers with version from this PR log file

[!] Syntax error in your Fastfile on line 62: Fastfile:62: syntax error, unexpected string literal, expecting ']'
Fastfile:63: syntax error, unexpected ']', expecting `end'
Fastfile:211: syntax error, unexpected string literal, expecting ']'
Fastfile:212: syntax error, unexpected ']', expecting `end'
Fastfile:258: syntax error, unexpected `end', expecting end-of-input

I'll make that fix and report back.

marionbarker commented 6 days ago

With those updates, I can run GitHub Action: Add Identifiers. I created a PR to Paul's branch. I will now continue adding the Trio App Group to the identifiers, create certificates and see if I can build.

marionbarker commented 6 days ago

Because I built previously with Mac-Xcode, the xdrip identifier already had the Trio App Group in addition to the Loop App Group.

It was not clear to me if any of the other identifiers needed to have both app groups - I assume no because they didn't get it from the Mac-Xcode build. I added Trio App Group anyway because I don't think it hurts, but this should be clarified in

GitHub Build Action was successful

marionbarker commented 6 days ago




Install the TestFlight build onto a phone with matching Trio build that uses Trio App Group.


Is there a setting that can be used to make xDrip4iOS act as a heartbeat in this situation where the pump does not have a heartbeat and there is no CGM on the phone?

paulplant commented 2 days ago

With those updates, I can run GitHub Action: Add Identifiers. I created a PR to Paul's branch. I will now continue adding the Trio App Group to the identifiers, create certificates and see if I can build.

Hi Marion. Sorry, I've been away on business for several days. I'll check and merge the PR shortly!

paulplant commented 2 days ago


Is there a setting that can be used to make xDrip4iOS act as a heartbeat in this situation where the pump does not have a heartbeat and there is no CGM on the phone?

  • If no, this is not a blocker for this version, but a request for later to support Dana pumps
  • If yes, let me know how to configure the app and I'll test that case

OK perfect. So we can give green light to the main item that we were trying to address which was the switchable sharing to a new Trio app group as needed.

The heartbeat request for make Trio work with the Dana pump is a different topic so we'll work on it separately, ok?