JohannLai / audio-to-text

Convert audio to text and summary just need to input the audio link.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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[🎬 Auto-Convert] bbb 2 123 #13

Closed JohannLai closed 1 year ago

JohannLai commented 1 year ago

github-actions[bot] commented 1 year ago

Hi there! 👋

Thanks for using my services! 🤖❤️! 🤖 I've received your request and I'm currently working on it.

I'll be processing the following link:

  [🎬 Auto-Convert] bbb

⚙️ It might take a few minutes, so please bear with me. 🙏 You can check the progress here

In the meantime, feel free to grab a cup of coffee ☕️ or take a quick break.

I'll notify you as soon as I'm done! 😊

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github-actions[bot] commented 1 year ago

Hi there! 👋

I'm sorry to inform you that I've encountered an error while processing your request. 😢

Please try again later by reopen this issue. 🙏

Thanks for using my services! 🤖❤️

github-actions[bot] commented 1 year ago

Hi there! 👋

Thanks for using my services! 🤖❤️! 🤖 I've received your request and I'm currently working on it.

I'll be processing the following link:

  [🎬 Auto-Convert] bbb 2

⚙️ It might take a few minutes, so please bear with me. 🙏 You can check the progress here

In the meantime, feel free to grab a cup of coffee ☕️ or take a quick break.

I'll notify you as soon as I'm done! 😊

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github-actions[bot] commented 1 year ago

Hi there! 👋

I'm sorry to inform you that I've encountered an error while processing your request. 😢

Please try again later by reopen this issue. 🙏

Thanks for using my services! 🤖❤️

github-actions[bot] commented 1 year ago

Hi there! 👋

Thanks for using my services! 🤖❤️! 🤖 I've received your request and I'm currently working on it.

I'll be processing the following link:

  [🎬 Auto-Convert] bbb 2 123

⚙️ It might take a few minutes, so please bear with me. 🙏 You can check the progress here

In the meantime, feel free to grab a cup of coffee ☕️ or take a quick break.

I'll notify you as soon as I'm done! 😊

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github-actions[bot] commented 1 year ago

Hi there! 👋

I've finished processing your request! 🤖

Here's the result:

github-actions[bot] commented 1 year ago

Summary Text


Original text

我赚钱就是不花: 朋友们,这些条件跟我讲 你别撞了,你挣钱了你还给这客户受的 你内化呀,你内出去消费 你内出去铺张浪费 我说怎么的 那我早饭我就得买两杯豆浆呗 我喝一杯我倒一杯 主打的就是一个奢侈用米烂 我跟你说说这话的朋友 你就根本就不了解什么叫做攒钱的快乐 闹这话题我就来劲了 我跟你讲不是所有人都是花钱的时候才快乐 还有一部分人比如我 那就是攒钱的时候才快乐 哎我越攒越来劲 越攒越有动力 就乐于攒钱 我就看着存折上的一排排数字 我干活我都有劲 而且就网上总有人跟你讲 说那个钱不是攒的是挣的 那他们不告诉你怎么挣吗 就说那个废话 是你一份不攒全花的 完全让人挣出来 你不花钱人家怎么挣钱 到时候你老板呢又提一辆马赛拉的 你工资还散钱 你说咱们想去尝试新的事情的底气是什么 是存款 存款怎么来 攒呐 等什么时候你就受够那老板受够那工资 你不想干了 你上办公室你派他坐着 你说不伺候了 什么玩意儿 你要是听那帮人 你咔咔你都给他哗了 到时候老板率你一坐着 跟你说你是个什么玩意儿 是不是屁话都不敢放上 我当时被裁员的时候 我就跟他讲 我说你说好了 下午我拎东西我就跑了 老潇洒了 我跟他干了三年 我拿过去的东西 连个纸和线我都没撞完 就带个随便回去 主打就是一个没把他当回事 我前两天的那个钱攒的 就属于有点极端了 一个月就花三百多块钱 我直播的时候都给大家看过节目 也就来回做公教 翻个公司 衣服什么我也不买 我不建议大家这样 真正的消费是可以的 但是你不能凑钱消费 就什么呢 就不是你的钱你掰货 就能力范围里的 划一划就可以了 但是那种拿来炫耀 或者是冲面子的消费 一点用没用 那种感觉自己咬咬牙也能拿下 你就千万别拿下 就你说你使好大劲拿的那玩意儿 人家真买得起的人 根本就不在乎 买不起的人就更不在乎了 炫耀都没有地方炫耀 你说他饭不好吃不上了 一咬牙买个包 跟塑料袋子能撞吗 表面上炫耀毫无意义 就打心底的那种 就是我有钱的踏实感 才是自信的来源 你听我要么整个存折 一笔一笔砸 跟你们说上瘾 冲垮是底气

github-actions[bot] commented 1 year ago


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