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🎬 -> 📝 MUST KNOW Trick For Adding Clickable Links to YouT... #69

Open totarello91 opened 1 year ago

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MUST KNOW Trick For Adding Clickable Links to YouTube Description

Summary Text

如何在 YouTube 描述中添加可点击链接

在 YouTube 视频描述或固定评论中添加链接时,最大的错误之一是站内跳转的链接却让观众跳出了 YouTube 应用。同时,许多人添加网址时并未注意到它们是否是可点击的。针对这些问题,本视频向我们演示了如何在描述中添加可点击链接,并保证观众在 YouTube 应用内打开链接。具体来说,我们需要:

1.使用未改变的视频链接; 2.在 YouTube studio 的分享按钮处获取最短的链接; 3.完整保留链接中的 HTTPS、冒号和正斜线; 4.使用 Bitly 等工具缩短网址如果需要站外链接; 5.在复制其他 YouTube 视频的描述时不要复制简写链接,必须再次在 Internet 上获得完整的链接。 通过这些方法,我们更好地为我们的观众提供链接,使他们更容易地浏览我们的网站或转到其他视频。

Original text

MUST KNOW Trick For Adding Clickable Links to YouTube Description: When it comes to adding links to your description or to your pinned comment, one of the biggest mistakes I see people seeing is that they put a link there, and when you click on it, especially when you're on your phone, it will take you outside of that YouTube app. It'll take you to a different web browser. Now, people don't like to watch YouTube videos in the Safari app. They like to watch it inside that YouTube app. So you really wanna keep people inside that YouTube app as much as you can. So in this video, I'm gonna show you how to add links that will keep people inside that YouTube app. And another huge mistake I see people make is when they put websites inside of their description, they're not clickable. This is huge. If people are watching your video and you wanna send them to a website or some sort of funnel, you really wanna make sure that that link is working. So in this video, I'm gonna cover all those things coming up. You gotta just press record. Hey guys, my name is Nolan Molt with Think Media. Let's jump right into this video. So the first thing I want to touch on is that major mistake where when someone clicks on a YouTube video link in your description, it takes them outside of the app. Why is that you ask? Well, it's because the link is altered. You have to make sure that when you are sharing a video link in your description or your pinned comment, it cannot be unaltered. But you're gonna wanna keep watching because I'm gonna show you how to get the shortest link possible to put into your descriptions. So here I'm inside the YouTube studio and I want to add a video link. Let's just say I'm gonna add in a video right here. I wanna say, watch this, and then I'm gonna put a link here. What people do sometimes is they will take this link and they will either shorten it using a Bitly link or a Genius link, and they will put that into the description. Now that will take them outside of the app because now you've altered that web address. So what I can do is I can just go ahead and I can copy this link right up here. And without doing anything to it, I can go ahead and paste that. And that is going to work. People can click on that. It's gonna keep them inside of the app. So here's a trick to shorten your link as much as possible. And a lot of people don't know this. So if we scroll down here, we can see there is a share button. When you click this share button, you can see something that YouTube does here. It goes So it actually has shortened the link as much as possible. We're gonna go ahead and we can actually just hit copy right there. I'm gonna go back over here and I'm going to paste that. You can see how much shorter that is. It's much cleaner. And so that is what we do at Think Media. If you are going to shorten a link, that is the only way to do it. It's the best way to do it. And it's gonna keep them inside that YouTube app. Now, remember, you don't wanna mess with those links. You don't wanna go in here and take away any of that HTTPS stuff. You don't wanna put You don't want to mess with it because that will actually alter the link and it won't work. So we're gonna double check this by hitting save. And I'm gonna go to the video description and see which of these are clickable. All right, so down here in the description, we can see that our top link was unaltered and that is completely fine. It's completely clickable because it's blue. This one, you can't even click on it. And so what that means is it's useless. You wanna make sure that you are not deleting that HTTPS and adding www. So that is something really to take note of. Leave it unaltered and you will be fine. Now, I have another major mistake that people make with links. And I'm gonna show you right here. Let's say I wanted to take this description and use it as a template. And maybe to save time, I just wanted to copy and paste this description to another video. You wanna be careful with how you do this because you will ruin some of the links. For example, down here, we can see it says, watch this. We have this clickable link. This is gonna keep them in the app on mobile. Now you'll see here though, that with this long link, YouTube has actually shortened and compressed that link by adding a dot, dot, dot. And so if I click on this video, it is still clickable because YouTube was the one that actually shortened that link, not me. If I go into the edit video up here, you'll see that the link still is the same. It's still, as you can see right here, it's still long, but YouTube was the one that shortened it. So if I click on it, this link is going to work. It is gonna take me to this video that I wanted to send people to. So you can see right here, it is working. It sends them to the video. Here's where it gets really tricky. A lot of people think that you can just go ahead and copy the link that is in the description on YouTube and paste that to another video. Now, if YouTube has shortened it and has added that dot, dot, dot, you need to be careful. The dot, dot, dot should tell you to stop and it should tell you to be scared. No, it shouldn't tell you to be scared. It should tell you to go into the YouTube description and use that link inside of the YouTube description. Do not use the link with the dot, dot, dot, or your link will be dead. And I will prove it to you right now by going ahead and copying this clickable link. That should work perfectly fine. You think it would. I'm going to copy that. I'm then gonna take it to a different video and I'm gonna paste it right there. And it's unaltered and I haven't touched anything. I've just copied it from the description and I'm going to hit save. So now if I go check the description, we have the link right here. It looks blue. It looks great. You think I could click on it and it would work fine, but watch what happens when I click on this link. Video unavailable. So this is a huge mistake that people make is that they are copying the links from other YouTube descriptions and they are applying that to their other videos. You do not want to do this. If you do want to copy from your description what you want to do is go back into YouTube studio and then copy those full links. So if you see dot, dot, dot, remember don't be scared, but go into the YouTube studio and get that full link. Now, before I get into the websites and how to make sure that those links are completely compatible, make sure you leave a like. If you've learned something new here and comment down below, let us know what kind of YouTube channel do you have. Let us know in the comments below. I'd love to hear from you. All right, so we're gonna go back into YouTube studio. I've hit edit video, and this is where you would want to copy that link if you want to do that. But I'm gonna go ahead and delete this. Okay, so what we're gonna do, so we want to make sure that our links are clickable. So we have a link here for and I'm gonna show you the major mistakes that people make. A lot of people, what they do when they go into the description is they will just type in just like that. Now it is the same web address. If you were to take that and type that into Google, yeah, it would work, but on YouTube, it's a little bit different. So you do not want to type in just and expect it to be clickable. It's not gonna be clickable. The next mistake that people do is they will do This is also not clickable inside the YouTube descriptions. And so I see a lot of people who will do that. What you want to do is have that true address with the HTTPS, the colon, the forward slashes. You need all of that in order for it to be clickable inside of the YouTube app, inside of your descriptions. So you can see up here, we have all that and we have our website and that is going to be clickable. You want that full web address in your description for it to be clickable. So inside this description, you can see these aren't clickable links. It's a bummer. A lot of people do this, go in and fix them if you have been doing this, but this right here, is clickable and it will take. ♪♪♪ I got scared there for a second because I thought either this whole video I'm doing is wrong or our growth video live website is down, not good options. But no, my internet just sucks. And it's up now. So when you click on your link, you're gonna see it will take you to the website. And right here, we have our Grow With Video Live website and it looks good and you can get there straight away and you can do it right from the YouTube description. Now, if you want to make those links shorter, what you can do is you can use something like Bitly and actually shorten that link. And because it has that HTTPS, that is going to work and it's gonna be a clickable link for you. So you definitely can shorten links and use that if you're sending someone to a website because that's gonna take them off the app anyways. But you definitely don't wanna do that if you're sending someone to another video because it will take them outside of the app. Well, I hope you guys enjoyed this video. Now you know everything you need to know about links inside of YouTube. If you wanna learn more about YouTube and the basics of YouTube, then click on the screen right now to watch that playlist and I'll see you guys in the next video. ♪♪♪

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