As a developer
i want to create my own API for my fitness app to fetch data from the exercise API
to be able to protect my API Key from potential stealing/manipulation via the client
Creating an API for my Client to fetch against, to then fetch the Data with the API against the exercise API i use.
Acceptance criteria:
[x] The client fetches the data without the use of an API key against my own API
[x] My own API uses the client side request with the API key to GET the data from the exercise API
[x] My own API responses to the client side request with the fetched data from the exercise API
[x] The client does not use or receives the API key
[x] My own API receives a GET from the client for a specific user input in the URL to fetch for exercises via name only (URL example: ".../exercises?name=")
[x] My own API does only provide the GET request method
[x] Create branch
[ ] Write tests
[x] Create an API with GET request method only
[x] Implement error handling for the API
[x] Refactor client to fetch the data against the API
Value proposition:
As a developer i want to create my own API for my fitness app to fetch data from the exercise API to be able to protect my API Key from potential stealing/manipulation via the client
Creating an API for my Client to fetch against, to then fetch the Data with the API against the exercise API i use.
Acceptance criteria: