JohannesLorenz / lmms-zyn-fusion-test

Inofficial installer for LMMS with zyn fusion plugin
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Automation fails in zyn-fusion ("Unknown special key 57344") #2

Closed JohannesLorenz closed 5 years ago

JohannesLorenz commented 5 years ago

Reported in #1 by @Bleuzen:

Pressing F1 and left mouse button on a control, as soon as moving the mouse Zyn GUI crashes / closes. Console out:

z.zest_dnd_drop = (nil)
z.zest_dnd_pick = (nil)
z.zest_script = (nil)
z.zest_get_remote_url = (nil)
[INFO:Zyn] setup_pugl()
[INFO:Zyn] zest_tick()
[INFO:Zyn] zest_open()
[INFO:Zyn] Found Assets at /opt/zyn-fusion/
[INFO:Zyn] Starting Zyn-Fusion
[INFO:Zyn] Thanks for supporting the developement of this project
[INFO:Zyn] Creating MRuby Interpreter...
[debug] parsing json file
[debug] json parsed succesfully
Time for a fast load is 1.143ms load(0.004) class(0) spawn(1.139)...
making reverse graph[1089]<0.618 ms>
[INFO:Zyn] zest_setup()
[DEBUG:Zyn] setting up animation fps
[INFO] Unknown special key(57344)...

It looks like the zest app uses an old libzest, rather than the one this project delivers. Does your LD_LIBRARY_PATH maybe contain directories where other versions of zest are (echo $LD_LIBRARY_PATH)? If yes, please don't change it, this is an interesting test which I could fix.

For the future, a compatibility check of the app and its library would be good to prevent mismatches.

JohannesLorenz commented 5 years ago

I just pushed 1efbf5e . If you pull this repo and re-run the build script, maybe it's already fixed?

Bleuzen commented 5 years ago

No it's not. Still same error.

JohannesLorenz commented 5 years ago

What's your $LD_LIBRARY_PATH? Also, what does xargs --null --max-args=1 < /proc/$(pidof zyn-fusion)/environ | grep LD_ say?

Bleuzen commented 5 years ago

My $LD_LIBRARY_PATH is empty. Output of the command: LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/mnt/.../lmms-zyn-fusion-test/mruby-zest-build/package (I replaced a part of the path with "...")

JohannesLorenz commented 5 years ago

Does it still say Found Assets at /opt/zyn-fusion/ ? What happens if you temporary go root and mv /opt/zyn-fusion /opt/zyn-fusion-bak?

Bleuzen commented 5 years ago

Yes, it still said that Found Assets.

I renamed my zyn-fusion directory and now it works. Renamed it back (without the "-bak" prefix again) and it crashes. So it has something to do with my existing zyn fusion install.

JohannesLorenz commented 5 years ago

OK, can you please pull once more (ea12727) and build again? I hope it works now.

Bleuzen commented 5 years ago

Yes it works now! :)