JohannesWiesner / nisupply

A python module for data management of semi/unstructured neuroimaging datasets
MIT License
3 stars 0 forks source link

make it more "package"-y #1

Open PeerHerholz opened 3 years ago

PeerHerholz commented 3 years ago

Ahoi hoi @JohannesWiesner,

thx a lot for creating this based on the conversation on neurostars.

Here are some ideas that might help with the functionality and FAIR-ness:

LMKWYT, cheers, Peer

JohannesWiesner commented 3 years ago

Hi @PeerHerholz,

no objections to any of these! I will start to put more documentation on this along with my current project. A license is also a good idea. I don't have any experience with niworkflows but would be happy to contribute to already established packages.

