John-Lluch / SWRevealViewController

A UIViewController subclass for presenting side view controllers inspired on the FaceBook and Wunderlist apps, done right !
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Not change position of UITabBar while Reveal is appear. #536

Open Pramod-ibl opened 8 years ago

Pramod-ibl commented 8 years ago

I implement SWRevealViewController with UITabbarController via storyboard. I want to display SWRevealViewController in first UITabBarItem only, in other UITabBarItem i don't want to open SWRevealViewController, that done completely. But problem is position of UITabBar is not change like viewcontroller while SWRevealViewController is appear.

Please help me. Output Output

Storyboard Structure Storyboard Structure )

iDevelopper commented 8 years ago

Why did you add a navigation controller between tab bar controller and reveal view controller? You don't have to do this. Or did you want to say position of Nav Bar? If it is, you have to add a navigation controller between Reveal View Controller and Table View Controller (i.e the menu).



Pramod-ibl commented 8 years ago

@iDevelopper i remove navigation controller between UITabbarController and SWRevealViewController than also not change position of UITabbar. NavigationBar work completely I want to change position of UITabbar also.

iDevelopper commented 8 years ago

Then I don't understand the question. Where do you want the tab bar to appear. A tab bar is always at the bottom off the screen.

Pramod-ibl commented 8 years ago

@iDevelopper See my output image in question. In that image position of navigation bar is change while reveal is come(go to right), but not change position of tabbar(go to right). i want to change position of tabbar(go to right) while reveal while appear like navigationbar. i want output like following.


iDevelopper commented 8 years ago

The tab bar controller is the root view controller of the application and it is the entry point. Then you have to change the frame of it's tab bar programmatically each time the front view position change. See the delegate methods of SWRevealViewController. When rear view is visible the x position of the tabBar will be revealViewController.rearViewRevealWidth

Pramod-ibl commented 8 years ago

@iDevelopper any other way ??

iDevelopper commented 8 years ago

No, but in fact I don't understand why you want your tab bar move with the front view? When the user want to tap another tab item, he can't do it when the menu is open !! If you want really do that, the solution above is very simple.

iDevelopper commented 8 years ago

Pramod-ibl commented 8 years ago

@iDevelopper Thank you so much...

iDevelopper commented 8 years ago

I would like to know why you want to do this, please

Pramod-ibl commented 8 years ago

@iDevelopper I think not looking good if not change position of UITabbar.