John-Smith-Modded / JSTR-Modded-1.7.x

John Smith: Technician's Remix for MC 1.7.x
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Bringing the original JS feel back #129

Open lesdmark opened 8 years ago

lesdmark commented 8 years ago

Guy's what is it that we could do to bring the pack back to it's original feel better. If we need to redo our own base to work off of and call it JS Reloaded or Revival or whatnot then I think that is what needs to be done. I hate the way minecraft even looks without the pack anymore but there are definitely some textures in the pack that don't fit. I want to get some excitement generated around the pack again. Maybe get some streamers or youtubers using it again.

Glowstrontium commented 8 years ago

Yep, it's Beryllium. The font I originally used for the "Technicians Remix" banner is Rafika.

Glowstrontium commented 8 years ago


lesdmark commented 8 years ago

perhaps also the gear crossed with something "magicially" looking and I also liked the wood logo as well even. Perhaps a slightly larger font for Compendium.

lesdmark commented 8 years ago

One of the things I like so much about the pack is the wood textures

damonmensch commented 8 years ago

Maybe have a thaumcraft golem carry a gear to a machine block, "installing" it?

Would be cool if it was also animated, but not necessary.

Oddface commented 8 years ago

I like that idea, but the pack actually doesn't have textures for the golems. Not that they need it (they look fine), but it's a little unfortunate for marketing our pack with. :grin:

Glowstrontium commented 8 years ago


damonmensch commented 8 years ago


Although what's the "JSC" stand for?

Oddface commented 8 years ago

That looks good!

Glowstrontium commented 8 years ago

I just put that in there to clarify the abbreviation, although CJS or C:JS would probably be more accurate. The abbreviation will only get used mostly on here, so it probably doesn't need to feature on any "public" banners or logos.

Glowstrontium commented 8 years ago

jsc_5 Does the green or the black look better? Should we use the Minecrafter font or the Rafika font for the "for modded minecraft" part - or something else? Should "resource pack" be included?

Oddface commented 8 years ago

untitled-2 Just a quick shop of the elements I like the best. The current font looks good, but feel free to post other options.

lesdmark commented 8 years ago

So Oddface's with the dark pediment and perhaps a drop shadow? maybe a narrow border in green, red, or something. It needs a bit more depth methinks.

Oddface commented 8 years ago

I just found the dark pediment to draw the eye a little much, distracting from the main logo.

Glowstrontium commented 8 years ago


Oddface commented 8 years ago

Very nice.

ScottKillen commented 8 years ago

I also would like to suggest that we replace one of the crossed swords with something put together from tinkers... swords

ScottKillen commented 8 years ago

This is all shaping up nicely. Thanks for your patience, Glow!

Glowstrontium commented 8 years ago

The swords are actually from the 64x version of JS, but I could try it with those.

Glowstrontium commented 8 years ago


ScottKillen commented 8 years ago

Thanks, @Glowstrontium. I like this...I think maybe cheat the steel blade a little longer for symmetry....

ScottKillen commented 8 years ago

@Glowstrontium Where is the 64x repo these days?

Glowstrontium commented 8 years ago

Who knows, I made that emblem over a year ago :D

lesdmark commented 8 years ago

Very nice you iterate rather quickly. I like the look of it. :smiley:

Greenhawk837 commented 8 years ago

@ScottKillen I removed the 64x repos around 4 months ago, as I was the only one working on them and found it easier to just store them myself.

Speaking of the 64x pack, for the last 6 months I've been working like crazy on it. and the "JSTR" looking one is almost done. Should be complete within the month.

screenshot 2015-11-08 16 05 24

ScottKillen commented 8 years ago

@Greenhawk837 Understood. If you ever do put it up again, I'd like to be a contributor. Some of the textures I committed today would look good in 64x

Greenhawk837 commented 8 years ago

If it's for modded textures then I think It would be a good idea to set up a repo again, but for the base pack I'm going to leave that off Github.

ScottKillen commented 8 years ago

Yeah, modded textures.

Greenhawk837 commented 8 years ago

Just set up a repo and invited you to it

Oddface commented 8 years ago

So, for the relaunch we should think about how we present this pack. We need some new, pretty screenshots. I would also like to see the Legacy pack presented side by side with the regular pack as a standalone. Maybe it's a waste of hosting to keep two packs that's 95% the same content, but I would really like to see how it would do in that scenario. I'm fine with updating the Legacy pack for a smaller audience, but making it more visible and accessible could get more people on board with the pack in general. Compendium: Legacy Edition and Compendium: Remix Edition. Something like that.

damonmensch commented 8 years ago

Depending on the functionality of the customiser, all we'd have to do is have the changed files separate and it'll merge/zip then together.

The same function would allow users to pick and choose what mods they want/need when downloading.

Oddface commented 8 years ago

A customizer is great and all, but most users will just be downloading the universal pack. A lot of people also use the FTB launcher to discover and download resource packs. I just think it would be cool if the Legacy pack could reach that audience.

damonmensch commented 8 years ago

Hadn't thought of those examples, yeah guess we would wind up hosting two versions then, 4 technically if we consider the 64x versions as well.

Glowstrontium commented 8 years ago

Jimstonecraft was reluctant to have the Vanilla Legacy pack on the JSTR site as he was and possibly still is the only one maintaining that pack. I think we should have a repo for the main base pack for the modded version to make everything more streamlined.

Oddface commented 8 years ago

You mean putting all the vanilla textures in a repo instead of just the overwrites we have now? Would be good to not be dependent on a third party.

Glowstrontium commented 8 years ago

The "JSTR" base (that includes the smooth stone and my metal block textures.etc), as well as the others that happen to be the same. Basically what is in the Curseforge download.

damonmensch commented 8 years ago

Is there any particular reason why we can't put the base in the main repository but name it's mod "Minecraft"

It would make it easier to reference in the future when making more textures that fit the theme, or does it have something to do with distribution rights

ScottKillen commented 8 years ago

The technology we use to assemble the pack will determine the shape of the repositories. The repo looks like it does now (with each mod in its own directory) because the soartex patcher was once used to patch the base pack. Now, if that will no longer be the case and if we will be assembling just a few downloads, I would like to suggest the following downloads:

Each would have a separate repository.

If we revert to the flattened folder structure, I could write a platform independent (Windows, OSX, Linux) build script that would assemble both packs (and possibly even upload them to curseforge fort anyone with the curseforge information)

I would like to suggest that we decide on some procedures by which a group of someones has the authority to determine stylistic direction. Perhaps as an incentive, this group gets to split the curseforge points from downloads. (This adds up to something valuable very quickly.)

Also some procedures (such as requiring updates to the Legacy repo whenever ores and the like are contributed) would be good moving forward.

Glowstrontium commented 8 years ago

That's the idea most likely. If they are in separate repos, there would probably need to be one for each version and it'd start getting cluttered around here.

lesdmark commented 8 years ago

I would like to be part of the group in charge of stylistic direction. I think I have a good idea for when something fits the look of the pack vs something that doesn't. I don't need any curseforge points to do it I just want to see the pack thrive and stay cohesive. :smiley:

ScottKillen commented 8 years ago


artdude543 commented 8 years ago

In regards to the repo and the building side of things; I'd like to propose some changes. I think it might better also to have a Slack or Discord so we can have better conversations / talks about the changes you would like to make.

As Soartex is handling most of the building and compiling (Due to our old script) we could port you guys over to the new one which supports more things and auto uploading capabilities to anything you want. Of course this is up to you guys, but just giving my cents from the server / compiling sides.

ScottKillen commented 8 years ago

I think this is a great idea!

artdude543 commented 8 years ago

So I created a Slack Team, just need to invite you guys. You can email me your email address (Email on my profile here) Or post them depending on your privacy with them. Discord could be an option also / or using Discord for the main app.

Depending on your guys preferences?

ScottKillen commented 8 years ago

@artdude543 My email is public here:

Greenhawk837 commented 8 years ago

I'm planning to keep the vanilla 64x packs updated, so I could easily downsize textures for the 32x pack and keep it updated if needed

ScottKillen commented 8 years ago

@Greenhawk837 Can I get a d/l of 64x JSTR so I can put together the first few modded textures I have for 64x? I won't redistribute.

lesdmark commented 8 years ago

@artdude543 mine is

ScottKillen commented 8 years ago

@lesdmark I just invited you.

damonmensch commented 8 years ago

I personally don't feel I'm active enough with the group to be on the slack team. I'm going to try to be more active in the future, although sometimes it's a little difficult for me since I have more of an analytical mind than a creative one, but I do try.

I'm going to take some screenshots for the pack later this morning. Going to upload them to our template repo.