John-Smith-Modded / JSTR-Modded-1.7.x

John Smith: Technician's Remix for MC 1.7.x
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Updates (and the lack thereof) #149

Closed Oddface closed 5 years ago

Oddface commented 8 years ago

This has been mentioned in a few times, so I'm making a new issue for it. The packs are not being updating often enough right now and it's been over 4 months since the last time. The current system relies on @goldbattle doing it manually, which has worked fine in the past, but I feel he's being a bit of an absent parent to us right now. I'm requesting we get some kind of automated updating system. It could be once a month, once a week or every time we commit, but we need something. I'm not code-savvy at all, so I need some help with the specifics here.

artdude543 commented 8 years ago

Gold has had a lot of work on, along with education. I'm assuming you want the same thing like Soartex's system? Built midnight each day and pushed to various locations. I did bring this up a while ago but no one really commented on it.

artdude543 commented 8 years ago

If I created the server script for you guys on the same method as ours issue #144 would be needed. So might be a good idea.

Oddface commented 8 years ago

Cool :+1: Guess we have some work to do then.

artdude543 commented 8 years ago

What CDN are you guys using? Or using CurseForge for the downloads at the mo?

Oddface commented 8 years ago

I think it's just curse.

damonmensch commented 8 years ago

So we just need the jsons for your script to work?

artdude543 commented 8 years ago

Hmm okay will chat to Curse about getting a CDN for you guys. Or piggy back of Soartex's CDN. Yes the JSON files are what the scripts use example. Also you can create custom modpack JSON's also ;) See example

damonmensch commented 8 years ago

Personally I made for myself a batch script for Windows that copies the contents of the repository folders, ignoring the .git and overwrites folders into a single locale, which I know is the first step for using Jenkins. However I know nothing about Jenkins to take it further.

artdude543 commented 8 years ago

Yeah we tried a bunch of systems before settling on the JSON system. It's efficient and pretty much does all the work in less time than a person could. We handle about 100+ downloads and the script does it all w/o us lifting a finger and handles the version changes / deploys etc... ;)

artdude543 commented 8 years ago

There is also a mod which generates modpack download JSON's for you. (Just requires naming changing etc.. buts the mods part will be pre-filled.

damonmensch commented 8 years ago

Looking at soartex, it appears that you guys have one fork and each mc version is a different branch, would this work for our current setup or should we adapt to yours.

artdude543 commented 8 years ago

We have a repo per version which allows back support to be easier. (The same is applied to the Vanilla repos). This also makes it easier for people to contribute as we don't want to alienate users with having to use a single repo with more than one branch for the textures. (That and we would hit GitHub's space limit for a repo)

damonmensch commented 8 years ago

Ok so it's set up the same way we have it

damonmensch commented 8 years ago

Sorry if asking too many questions, trying to get this squared away for us as seamlessly as possible. And once I know what we need I can get to setting it up for us.

I'd probably be more helpful here for the group since my skills align more with coding and back-end than graphic manipulation.

artdude543 commented 8 years ago

He he no worries, I'll take care of the server side as all I need is to add a line to a JSON file to tell our server to build JSTR. So pretty much need you guys to handle the JSON's on here and for modpacks if needed. (But they will need to be added to our repo due to how the script works) We do have a Slack for this group to talk about this in more depth. Or I have a TS I don't mind you guys using to chat about things etc...

damonmensch commented 8 years ago

Mind inviting me to the Slack?

artdude543 commented 8 years ago

@Oddface you mind me adding @damonmensch to the Slack?

Oddface commented 8 years ago

Of course not :)

artdude543 commented 8 years ago

@damonmensch shoot me an email to invite you via :) Containing your email obvs :P

artdude543 commented 8 years ago

Invite sent :)

goldbattle commented 8 years ago

Thanks for pushing this forward guys, ping me if you need permissions or anything changed. Having it just push master builds to curse would work perfectly, and the mod.jsons is a start in that direction. Thanks again for picking up the slack. On Mar 4, 2016 6:26 AM, "Kieron Richardson" wrote:

Invite sent :)

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub .

goldbattle commented 8 years ago

To have things ease over, I have run my old script and uploaded some alpha builds. Let me know how these work for you guys.

ScottKillen commented 5 years ago

Is the 1.7.10 release still being updated?

lesdmark commented 5 years ago

I have not personally touched it in a while, and I am pretty much the only one (besides yourself lately) who is doing anything to the pack at all.