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Search feature major additions to backend #23

Closed DasMoge124 closed 8 months ago

DasMoge124 commented 8 months ago

This helps make a search feature for students. Maybe I will add something for teachers. Here is link:

Student Controller This is what sets up what the front end will interact with. This will request the most relevant student a user wants.


import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;

import org.springframework.http.ResponseEntity;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.CrossOrigin;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.GetMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.PostMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestBody;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestParam;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController;

@CrossOrigin(origins = "")
public class StudentController {

    private List<Student> students = new ArrayList<>();

    public StudentController() {
        // Initialize your student list

    public ResponseEntity<String> addStudent(@RequestBody Student newStudent) {
        return ResponseEntity.ok("Student added successfully");

    public ResponseEntity<Student> findMostRelevantStudent(@RequestBody Student newStudent,
            @RequestParam int k) {
        Student mostRelevantStudent = KNNStudentSelection.findMostRelevantStudent(students, newStudent, k);
        return ResponseEntity.ok(mostRelevantStudent);

    public ResponseEntity<List<Student>> getAllStudents() {
        return ResponseEntity.ok(students);

Student Class: This is what sets up the class for the specific student


import java.util.List;

public class Student {
    private String name;
    private List<String> subjectsKnown;
    private String preferredLocation;
    private boolean internshipPreferred;

    // Constructors (including a no-arg constructor)

    public Student() {

    public Student(String name, List<String> subjectsKnown, String preferredLocation,
            boolean internshipPreferred) { = name;
        this.subjectsKnown = subjectsKnown;
        this.preferredLocation = preferredLocation;
        this.internshipPreferred = internshipPreferred;

    // Getters and Setters

    public String getName() {
        return name;

    public void setName(String name) { = name;

    public List<String> getSubjectsKnown() {
        return subjectsKnown;

    public void setSubjectsKnown(List<String> subjectsKnown) {
        this.subjectsKnown = subjectsKnown;

    public String getPreferredLocation() {
        return preferredLocation;

    public void setPreferredLocation(String preferredLocation) {
        this.preferredLocation = preferredLocation;

    public boolean isInternshipPreferred() {
        return internshipPreferred;

    public void setInternshipPreferred(boolean internshipPreferred) {
        this.internshipPreferred = internshipPreferred;

Student Selection This is what helps search for the student searching and such.


import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

public class KNNStudentSelection {

    // KNN algorithm for student selection
    public static Student findMostRelevantStudent(List<Student> students, Student newStudent, int k) {
        Map<Double, Student> distanceMap = new HashMap<>();

        // Calculate Euclidean distance for each student
        for (Student student : students) {
            double distance = calculateDistance(student, newStudent);
            distanceMap.put(distance, student);

        // Sort distances and get the top k neighbors
        List<Double> distances = new ArrayList<>(distanceMap.keySet());

        // Return the most relevant student
        return distanceMap.get(distances.get(0));

    private static double calculateDistance(Student student1, Student student2) {
        // Simple distance calculation based on preferences
        double subjectDistance = calculateSubjectDistance(student1.getSubjectsKnown(), student2.getSubjectsKnown());
        double locationDistance = student1.getPreferredLocation().equals(student2.getPreferredLocation()) ? 0 : 1;

        // Euclidean distance
        return Math.sqrt(Math.pow(subjectDistance, 2) + Math.pow(locationDistance, 2));

    private static double calculateSubjectDistance(List<String> subjects1, List<String> subjects2) {
        // Jaccard similarity for subject distance
        List<String> union = new ArrayList<>(subjects1);

        List<String> intersection = new ArrayList<>(subjects1);

        return 1 - ((double) intersection.size() / union.size());