Because ClassPeriod names are not always necessarily unique (makes for better functionality since they are still differentiated by ID, students, teachers, etc.), Drew made minor changes that make it so that class IDs are used for Assignment creation and assignment to class period, not class period names.
Details Service Method Update
This was the main source of the update. Rather than the classPeriod name being used as the identifier in the addAssignmentToClassPeriod details service method, it has been changed to the long id of the classPeriod in the database (this is more unique):
public void addAssignmentToClass(long assignmentId, long classId) { // UPDATED PARAMETER
Assignment assignment = assignmentJpaRepository.findById(assignmentId); // uses findById now
if (assignment != null) {
ClassPeriod classPeriod = classPeriodJpaRepository.findById(classId); // also uses findById
if (classPeriod != null) {
boolean addAssignment = true;
// blah blah blah blah
Updated AssignmentRequest Object and POST Request
This is the new form of the object used for the /post assignment request (see comments):
private int points;
private int allowedSubmissions;
private String content;
private long[] classIds; // updated variable
private String[] allowedFileTypes;
public AssignmentRequest(String name, Date dateCreated, Date dateDue, String content, int points, int allowedSubmissions, long[] classIds, String[] allowedFileTypes) { = name;
this.dateCreated = dateCreated;
this.dateDue = dateDue;
this.content = content;
this.points = points;
this.allowedSubmissions = allowedSubmissions;
this.classIds = classIds; // updated variable
this.allowedFileTypes = allowedFileTypes;
} // updated setter and getter below
In the corresponding POST method, here is the new form:
for (long classId : request.getClassIds()) { // ITERATES THROUGH CLASS IDs NOW
if (classService.get(classId) == null) {
return new ResponseEntity<>("One or more classes was invalid", HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST);
// A assignment object WITHOUT ID will create a new record with default roles as student
Assignment assignment = new Assignment(request.getName(), request.getDateCreated(), request.getDateDue(), request.getContent(), request.getPoints(), request.getAllowedSubmissions(), request.getAllowedFileTypes());
boolean saved = false;
for (long classId : request.getClassIds()) { // ITERATES THROUGH CLASS IDs NOW
if (classService.get(classId).getLeaders().contains(existingPerson)) { // the "get" method is used now with IDs
if (!(saved)) {;
saved = true;
classService.addAssignmentToClass(assignment.getId(), classId); // details service method has been updated too
Because ClassPeriod names are not always necessarily unique (makes for better functionality since they are still differentiated by ID, students, teachers, etc.), Drew made minor changes that make it so that class IDs are used for Assignment creation and assignment to class period, not class period names.
Details Service Method Update
This was the main source of the update. Rather than the classPeriod name being used as the identifier in the addAssignmentToClassPeriod details service method, it has been changed to the long id of the classPeriod in the database (this is more unique):
Updated AssignmentRequest Object and POST Request
This is the new form of the object used for the /post assignment request (see comments):
In the corresponding POST method, here is the new form: