John-sCC / jcc_frontend

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Kevin Du - Project Checkpoint 3 #114

Open DasMoge124 opened 1 month ago

DasMoge124 commented 1 month ago

My Demonstration for my features

Links: Sign Up Class Creation Feature

My checklist:

@GetMapping("/getBySubject/{subjectOfInterest}") public ResponseEntity<?> getPersonsBySubject(@PathVariable String subjectOfInterest) { List personList = personDetailsService.getPersonsBySubjectOfInterest(subjectOfInterest); // regardless of outcome, even if it's an empty list, it's still a valid output return new ResponseEntity<>(personList, HttpStatus.OK); }

## Undo and Redo Stacks and Queues:
- I tried to use backend for this method, but it didn't work out well so I have frontend