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Algorhythmic Summary #72

Open EdwinKuttappi opened 3 months ago

EdwinKuttappi commented 3 months ago

Team Individual Blogs

Name Period Blog
Aiden🤓 1 Basic sorts, Collectables, LinkedList
Ekam 1 Link
Ishi 1 Link
Ryan 1 Link
Edwin 1 Link
Toby 3 Link
Drew 3 Basic Sorts with int, Custom LinkedList and Collectables with All Sorts
AJ 3 Link
Raymond 3 Link
Haoxuan 3 all sorts linked list and comparables
Isabelle 3 Link
Kevin 3 All Sorts,Linked List
Aaron 3 Link

Algorhythmic Participants

Drew Reed - Drewtective🕵️ Aiden Huynh - Murderaidener🔪🤓 Toby Leeder - Toby C. Leeder👻 AJ Ruiz - Adan Q. Rizz😏 Raymond Sheng - Raymond Shung🤑 Ekam Kaire - Ekam Care🍚 Ishi Singh - Ishi Sing📈 Katelyn Gelle - Katelyn Jelly🪼 Ryan McWeeny - Ryan McCoding🌽 Edwin Abraham - Edwin Abrams🎩 Kevin Du - Kevin Dude👨 Aaron Rubin - Aaron Rubin🥳 Isabelle Gunawan - Isabelle Lastname🤷‍♀️ Haoxuan Tong - Haoxuan💻 Bailey Leeder - Bail🪓 Avinh Huynh - Avinh Huynh🧑‍💻

Algorhythmic Group Summary

Overall, this was quite the experience. For a lot of us, it was very different than what we were used to, but we still gained a lot from it. Our understanding of sorting algorithms strengthened and our collaboration skills were put on full display in being able to not only coordinate times to meet for rehearsals, but giving each other directing notes for acting. Each individual put in effort too, as we all had our lines completely memorized (how many other teams did that?)

Algorhythmic Group Rehearsals

Our group was able to complete 3 different rehearsals together during Office Hours and Lunch. Additionally on Tuesday both periods were able to do a short practice within their designated CSA Period.

Rehearsal 1

Media Coverage by our Publicist (Ishi) image image image

Rehearsal 2

Media Coverage by our Publicist (Ishi) image image

Rehearsal 3


Link to Videos!!!!!