JohnBossco / Maintenance-And-Repair-Data-Analyzation

Create a relational database to combine all of the provided data sets into a relational database.
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Image-Libary #1

Open JohnBossco opened 3 months ago

JohnBossco commented 3 months ago

Location Store Data:


JohnBossco commented 3 months ago

Location Store: For every county in the United States and export a list of all counties sorted from highest score to lowest score. Generate an algorithm that gives a numerical score (ranging from 0 to 100) based on data and key factors that are specified by the customer.

Customer Specifications: Location with relatively low average wages in the service-providing industry; Location with low tax rates; Location with high median income; Location with high unemployment



JohnBossco commented 3 months ago

County Tax Rate


Exports By State 2012


Median County Income


State Tax Rate


Unemployment By County


Usa County List


Workforce Wages


JohnBossco commented 3 months ago

SQL Queries

2 a) Find all counties that have a state tax rate lower than 4% and an unemployment rate higher than 6%. Sort them by their Annual Total Wages (for all industries) from highest to lowest.


2 b) Find the 10 counties with the highest Annual Total Wages in the Service Providing industry that also have a Coefficient of Variation for Ton-Miles greater than 20 (for the year 2012) and a labor force over 7,500.


2 c) Find all counties with an Annual Average Pay under $40,000 and a local tax rate under 3%. Sort them from highest population to lowest.


2 d) Find the 10 counties with the highest population whose 2012 exports value is over 25 trillion and also have a higher Annual Average Establishment Count in Construction than in Manufacturing.


JohnBossco commented 3 months ago

Relational Database Visualization
