JohnCoates / Aerial

Apple TV Aerial Screensaver for Mac
MIT License
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Road to 2.0 with Cache limit/management and macOS Big Sur 11 #1006

Closed glouel closed 4 years ago

glouel commented 4 years ago

Hey all, I'll use this to track and discuss the work in progress on (finally) adding a cache size limit to Aerial, and better cache management/playlist management tools. There will be some core changes to Aerial's UI including the videos tab, so that it displays more clearly what videos are available/cached/etc and handle some new issues created by the management.

For now, here's a very early screenshot of what I'm looking at right now in terms of Cache options :

Capture d’écran 2020-06-03 à 17 49 12

So the very first pref will be the limit, I plan to default this to 5 GB for new users (what to do about current users is still in the air).

The second pref is all about how to manage the cache:

Capture d’écran 2020-06-03 à 17 49 24

In a perfect world, rotation would probably be the ideal setting here for new users (and stop downloading for current users, I'd say).

But whatever I do, I'll get support tickets :

So 🤷

Last setting is the periodicity (which probably default to monthly to alleviate issues above).

About how all this will work :

Now what I ended up deciding is NOT stream videos to replace cache. Streaming is awfully unreliable and I really don't want to do it. While I'll probably keep a checkbox for those who really really want to stream, it will not be part of the cache rotation because that's too much of a mess.

So that's about it for right now, I'm still working on implementation and I'll update this post when I have a build to share and more details about the other changes (especially the redesigned videos tab to more clearly explain what videos are cached/etc).

glouel commented 4 years ago
Screen Shot 2020-07-22 at 3 06 55 PM
  1. This doesn't look right in the dropdown 😂

Oh wow ! I really need to convert the icons to pdf for other macos versions, I'm using SF Symbols as placeholders, but I also use the same name for the PDFs. And since film and star are actually one of the few symbols I imported as PDF, you get them fullsized here (120px)

  1. Any chance that we could allow Command + A to select all videos in a category and then apply a Favorite or Unfavorite command to the multiple videos? (Or alternatively drag and drop to the favorites menu?)

So I'm planning at the very least :

Multiple selection in the middle, that's a nice to have let's say.

  1. A small thing I noticed - the videos here should be listed in alphabetical order if possible... It's a tad weird with them all over the place and with "Australia" on the bottom and "Wulingyuan" on the top

Agreed, I need to double check that, because I thought I sorted the list on import. Maybe I'm misremembering !

  1. One other thought I just had, it would be cool if at the bottom of the collection they stated the total runtime of the collection. Not sure if that's possible, but I noticed you were displaying each video runtime so that could be a cool small enhancement.

That's a good idea, maybe something finder-like, "8 videos, 25 min runtime" or something like that ?

glouel commented 4 years ago

This is odd, it shows that the video, Golden Gate from SF, is cached, but the thumbnail is grey and the video has the cannot/do not play icon.

Screen Shot 2020-07-22 at 12 09 33 PM

That one is a bit weird ! Can you reproduce after closing System Preferences and reopening ? If so, would love the log !

(And thanks both of you for the incredibly quick testing ! Barely had time to make a coffee ;))

ZV00 commented 4 years ago

Oh wow ! I really need to convert the icons to pdf for other macos versions, I'm using SF Symbols as placeholders, but I also use the same name for the PDFs. And since film and star are actually one of the few symbols I imported as PDF, you get them fullsized here (120px)


So I'm planning at the very least :

A menu when right click on the left column to fav/unfav/hide a whole category A menu when right clicking one from the middle column Multiple selection in the middle, that's a nice to have let's say.

That works great for me!

That's a good idea, maybe something finder-like, "8 videos, 25 min runtime" or something like that ?

That would be perfect!

ZV00 commented 4 years ago

@r8ders2k That video didn't load right....

I'll also put it out there, I can't reproduce that on Catalina.

ZV00 commented 4 years ago

Bug: Fill the Cache, then favorite a video. You'll get this error:

Screen Shot 2020-07-22 at 3 29 08 PM

However, if you then press Cancel, the video stays favorited. It also occurs if you disable and then re-enable on the same video or a different one.

r8ders2k commented 4 years ago

Yes, it happens every time. I've got a 21 second screen recording (48 MB), but I can't upload it.

glouel commented 4 years ago

@r8ders2k no worries about the video. Can you give me the AerialLog.txt instead ?

One thing I'm thinking of, I could see maybe if you had an incomplete download (maybe at 0 bytes) for that San Francisco video, that could explain the thumbnail and video failing.

ZV00 commented 4 years ago

Yes, it happens every time. I've got a 21 second screen recording (48 MB), but I can't upload it.

Try hosting on or similar. ,

glouel commented 4 years ago

Bug: However, if you then press Cancel, the video stays favorited. It also occurs if you disable and then re-enable on the same video or a different one.

Nicely spotted, thanks, fixed it for next build.

r8ders2k commented 4 years ago

I assuming this is the correct one, as two were listed in my search (see attached screenshots).

Screen Shot 2020-07-23 at 7 35 58 AM Screen Shot 2020-07-23 at 7 36 06 AM

AerialLog.txt AerialLog.txt

r8ders2k commented 4 years ago

I checked the Cache folder for the first path shown in first screenshot and there appears to be one file that doesn't play when I press the spacebar.

Screen Shot 2020-07-23 at 7 44 17 AM
glouel commented 4 years ago

Thanks, if it doesn't open with quicktime then the file got corrupted, possibly when it downloaded. That's the first time I'm seeing that, so it's a bit weird.

Creation date says July 11th, could be something was wrong with one of the betas earlier, I'd simply suggest deleting the file. If you see the problem reappearing let me know.

ZV00 commented 4 years ago

@r8ders2k I would back up what @glouel said here, though beat me to it 😂.

It looks to me like the issue is the file, based on the size it looks like the DL may have started but not completed. Either way, delete the video and re-download and it should work (I would think).

glouel commented 4 years ago

Jumping on what @ZV00 says, I assume you are running 4K HDR @r8ders2k right ? Looks like it's about 100 MB short :

Capture d’écran 2020-07-23 à 16 57 31

What's super weird is that Aerial only saves files when they the download is completed, not before. And even a partial file should play (that's how we used to "stream")... One thought I had, possibly Aerial only got 3 of the 4 chunks of the file, but that wouldn't fit with your file size either.

I'll put it as a CDN mishap, or maybe your disk was full but that one is super weird !

Edit : Btw, lost about half the day installing/uninstalling beta3 of Xcode, which has a bug in the macOS SDK preventing me to compile Aerial...

I did fix the sorting and am halfway through the "8 videos, 32 mins" thing, not sure if I'll get much else done today so not sure if I'll push a build later tonight !

glouel commented 4 years ago

@ZV00 one last thing if I may, if you are running 4K HDR on Catalina, can you let me know if the thumbnails of videos are faded, or green in the case of sea videos ? I think it's a Big Sur bug with AVAssetLoader, because I get the exact same green tinge in Finder on the sea videos :

Capture d’écran 2020-07-23 à 17 15 31

I don't think that bug was here in Catalina but I can't check here, would love to have confirmation before filing one more radar, thanks !

r8ders2k commented 4 years ago

@glouel FWIW, that video is fine now...

r8ders2k commented 4 years ago

@glouel Where's the option display ℃ or ℉?

Screen Shot 2020-07-23 at 9 39 38 AM

Is that something that can be done based on location? For example, ℉ in the U.S. and ℃ everywhere else with the option to change it manually.

glouel commented 4 years ago

@r8ders2k I messed up a constraint, if you are on a large screen, try maximizing the width of the window, it to the right of the icons ! If you can't find it I'll put a new build for you, let me know.

Strike that, it doesnt work. I'll put up a new build sorry about that one ;)

glouel commented 4 years ago

@r8ders2k there you go :

Few things changed outside of the temperature:

Big caveat, I was in the middle of implementing a fix for the HDR thumbnails (looks like the bug happens with Dolby Vision HDR videos only, I managed to reproduce on Catalina so that's not cool). At startup I grab all the missing thumbnails so you may see it stall for a minute if you are missing thumbnails ! Sorry about that one. But if you want your thumbs to look ok, delete the content of Thumbnails, launch this build and be patient ;)

nat1nat1 commented 4 years ago

Seems to be unable to wake with Big Sur beta 3. have to open macbook pro to get it to wake up from screensaver as keyboard and mouse doesn't do anything. Any tips to resolve?

glouel commented 4 years ago

@nat1nat1 can you try unchecking everything in the Updates settings ? Sparkle is known to misbehave like that, that's why I'll be ripping it out soonish.

As a workaround in the meantime, press Cmd-Opt-Shift-Escinstead of closing/opening.

nat1nat1 commented 4 years ago

Thanks for the workaround. Have unchecked. Was running 1.9.1. Updated manually to 1.9.2 but release notes suggest won't make a diff. Ignore - found alpha3

glouel commented 4 years ago

First startup will be a bit rough on the preference panel, check my message above for more details on what to expect ;)

r8ders2k commented 4 years ago

@glouel Thanks for the update. Take a bit for Alpha 3 to load. Also sometimes, when I click the Info icon, Aerial's settings disappear, as if it quits and returns me to the System Preferences' Screen Saver and the preview is black. If I click on Screen Saver Options, nothing happens. This can usually be rectified by quitting out of the System Preferences app.

glouel commented 4 years ago

@glouel Thanks for the update. Take a bit for Alpha 3 to load.

Only the first launch should be super slow, it should be fine afterwards after all your thumbnails are cached, I'll fix that tomorrow !

Also sometimes, when I click the Info icon, Aerial's settings disappear, as if it quits and returns me to the System Preferences' Screen Saver and the preview is black. If I click on Screen Saver Options, nothing happens. This can usually be rectified by quitting out of the System Preferences app.

Can confirm just reproduced that here too, when it disappear like that the panel crashes, looks like I messed up something will have a look !

Edit: found that bug, it's fixed for next build thanks again, the bug reporting really helps me a lot !

ZV00 commented 4 years ago

@glouel Sorry for the slow reply, was busy last night!

@ZV00 one last thing if I may, if you are running 4K HDR on Catalina, can you let me know if the thumbnails of videos are faded, or green in the case of sea videos ? I think it's a Big Sur bug with AVAssetLoader, because I get the exact same green tinge in Finder on the sea videos :

I don't use 4K HDR, just HEVC, but what I do see has no green discoloration.

@r8ders2k there you go :

Few things changed outside of the temperature:

Videos are now sorted There's a new label at the bottom of the list that says "8 videos, 38 minutes" for now as a placeholder Big caveat, I was in the middle of implementing a fix for the HDR thumbnails (looks like the bug happens with Dolby Vision HDR videos only, I managed to reproduce on Catalina so that's not cool). At startup I grab all the missing thumbnails so you may see it stall for a minute if you are missing thumbnails ! Sorry about that one. But if you want your thumbs to look ok, delete the content of Thumbnails, launch this build and be patient ;)

That last build just introduced some major bugs for me on Catalina. It looks like you may have fixed the issue, but I am reporting them juuuuuust in case it helps narrow it down further:

  1. I installed it, I clicked on Screen Saver options and it immediately closed and then went black

    Screen Shot 2020-07-24 at 9 31 43 AM
  2. The options button no longer worked.

  3. After a restart of System Prefs, it opened, but all I saw was this:

    Screen Shot 2020-07-24 at 9 32 22 AM
  4. If I then selected a category it seemed to work...

  5. It appears the "Your Cache is full" error now occurs both when starring and un-starring a video...?

    Screen Shot 2020-07-24 at 9 34 56 AM


  1. I wanted to also recommend a revision of the info page... At the moment, it doesn't feel like it's styled as well as other parts of the app, so I'd love to see the following:

To me this feels cleaner and also fully uses the interface. The info tab with a single page feels a little small in comparison to all the sidebar items in the remainder of the app.

glouel commented 4 years ago

@glouel Sorry for the slow reply, was busy last night!

No worries !

I don't use 4K HDR, just HEVC, but what I do see has no green discoloration.

Again no worries, I checked in a VM and reproduced the issue on Catalina. There's a workaround in now for HDR.

That last build just introduced some major bugs for me on Catalina. It looks like you may have fixed the issue, but I am reporting them juuuuuust in case it helps narrow it down further:

  1. I installed it, I clicked on Screen Saver options and it immediately closed and then went black

I'll check that one thanks, usually that's a crash (if you have a sec, look at, look for a crash report maybe ? I'm not sure you'll get one, it's weird).

  1. The options button no longer worked.
  2. After a restart of System Prefs, it opened, but all I saw was this:
  3. If I then selected a category it seemed to work...

Can confirm this one, just reproduced it. Switching sidebar mode on top fixes it too.

  1. It appears the "Your Cache is full" error now occurs both when starring and un-starring a video...?
Screen Shot 2020-07-24 at 9 34 56 AM


Woops, need to check again thanks !

  1. I wanted to also recommend a revision of the info page... At the moment, it doesn't feel like it's styled as well as other parts of the app, so I'd love to see the following:
  • The main About page should match similarly to other Apple apps. For example:
Screen Shot 2020-07-24 at 9 38 32 AM

On that page it should have the name, the version number, and any specific copyright/trademark info (based on what you have I think it's fair to say something like "Developed and maintained by Guillaume Louel. Apple TV and tvOS are trademarks of Apple Inc." - I'd then like to see the panel on the left used so there's a "Credits" tab. In the credits tab, have the translations help credits along with something like "If you can help with translations, please contact us here" - I'd also like to see an "About" tab, and in the "About" tab, there is where I would mention the history about John Coates development and how it transitioned to your open source project. - Lastly, I'd like to see the help links transitioned into a "Help" or "Support" tab that would put the info there. - Additionally, instead of the donate button on the front page (though if you want it to be the first thing that pops up, I would totally understand that), I'd recommend possibly considering a "Donate" tab where you explain what the donations go towards, and why you keep the app free. This feels a little more personal and I think may help drive donations your way. To me this feels cleaner and also fully uses the interface. The info tab with a single page feels a little small in comparison to all the sidebar items in the remainder of the app.

Agreed on all of this, I'll put that on my list !

Right now I made a couple of slightly radical changes:

Still need to finish some stuff, but I'll post a link of the prototype soon. So far it went much better than I expected, I should probably have done this a long time ago considering I keep getting issues about Sparkle with Catalina+.

ZV00 commented 4 years ago

I'll check that one thanks, usually that's a crash (if you have a sec, look at, look for a crash report maybe ? I'm not sure you'll get one, it's weird).

Unless it's a SafariQuickLookPreview Crash...? I have nothing.

Agreed on all of this, I'll put that on my list !


Right now I made a couple of slightly radical changes: completely ripped out Sparkle removed all the code/ressources from the old ui nearly finished a standalone updater (at least a prototype) that will be the new way to auto update Aerial (unless you use homebrew)

This is great! I also have HomeBrew, but I would encourage you to ensure that the ReadMe on GitHub explains how. I used it previously, but it's not basic info for people who have no terminal experience.

Are we able to use that prototype yet? I saw your repo for it.

glouel commented 4 years ago

Unless it's a SafariQuickLookPreview Crash...? I have nothing.

Yeah it's not, usually legacyScreenSaver.appex, although they rarely are there somehow anymore for some reason I don't understand...

This is great! I also have HomeBrew, but I would encourage you to ensure that the ReadMe on GitHub explains how. I used it previously, but it's not basic info for people who have no terminal experience.

So here's the new ui (can still be improved but you get the idea) in Aerial :

Capture d’écran 2020-07-24 à 18 06 32

The second link goes to (which will need to be updated). The "recommended" installation method will probably go to the updater if it's successful.

The updater looks like this (again super early right now)

Capture d’écran 2020-07-24 à 18 06 58

Are we able to use that prototype yet? I saw your repo for it.

Not testable yet but coming soon, finishing the manifest making tool right now that gives the latest versions available and their sha checksums. When that's done I'll put a link here thanks !

ZV00 commented 4 years ago

So my recommendation here would be as follows:

I should also ask and we should make clear whether a user who previously installed Aerial manually can switch to using the brew cask upgrade command

glouel commented 4 years ago

So my recommendation here would be as follows:

  • For the brew cask install command, add a button that copies it to clipboard for users who might otherwise mis-type it.
  • Add a button to a readme that adds the info on how to install Homebrew. I think the easiest is something like a button that says "Learn More" and goes to:

I should also ask and we should make clear whether a user who previously installed Aerial manually can switch to using the brew cask upgrade command

Great suggestions I'll put that on my list too, thanks !

I finally managed to get the updater to work :

Now, it's very early. Download/unzip, put in a directory somewhere (probably will make a dmg later on with a link to /Applications). Launch, you'll get the plane emoji in your status bar, click it, it should tell you which version of Aerial is installed (as long as it's for your user, if you installed for All Users, well, don't do that !).

Pick a release (alpha/beta/release), then click install. The very first time you do it, at least in Catalina, you get prompted about accessing your Downloads folder (I thought it would be a good idea to download the file here...). Just say yes, but when you do that the popover will close itself, so just wait a bit (like 30 sec), and try opening it until it says the version you picked is installed, then you can try again and get the full experience.

What it does:

If it fails at any point, you get a message next to the spinner (will improve that obviously). Security-wise, while nothing is perfect, I think the manifest, sha-256 checks, team bundle id and team id check, on top of GateKeeper/notarization requirements is pretty solid, if not overkill.

I've tested it on Big Sur and Catalina, going back and forth between 1.9.2 and 2.0.0alpha3 and it works pretty great so far. One thing I haven't accounted for yet in the list above, is making sure your System Preferences is closed. I will do that for the next build. So make sure it's closed before installing a build.

Capture d’écran 2020-07-24 à 22 26 40

Let me know if it works for you, it's super early, and obviously the goal is to have it do it in the background in the end, but it's more a proof of concept to test the download/verify/install sequence and it seems to work, it's even notarized (with sandboxing off obviously).

ZV00 commented 4 years ago

Just gave it a go... The downgrade doesn't work for me. It stays on Alpha 3... Otherwise it looks great.

Should probably add a quit function while we are testing it so it's easier to restart... 😂

glouel commented 4 years ago

What error message did you get in the popover ? Did you have System Preferences closed ?

And 🙈 about the quit function, will do lol. Just closing/reopening the popup should reload whatever is important though.

ZV00 commented 4 years ago

What error message did you get in the popover ? Did you have System Preferences closed ? Nothing appears...

  1. Open the Plane
  2. Select downgraded option
  3. Install Now button with System Prefs closed
  4. and then this part never happens:

The very first time you do it, at least in Catalina, you get prompted about accessing your Downloads folder

  1. Open System Prefs and nothing has changed

And 🙈 about the quit function, will do lol. Just closing/reopening the popup should reload whatever is important though.


glouel commented 4 years ago

You don't get a spinner with various messages below the Install now ? Make sure you keep the popover open and don't close it after you click install, if you close it you lose the debug messages (I know ;)).

Capture d’écran 2020-07-24 à 22 38 58

(nice job, screenshot tool btw on that one 😱)

Edit : Here in Catalina, more readable :

Screen Shot 2020-07-24 at 1 43 13 PM

ZV00 commented 4 years ago

I get the spinner but no pop up and no change. Here's a video clip going from Alpha to Stable to Alpha. ezgif-7-4560424bed40

I went back one more time afterwards back to 1.9.2 and I see this (sorry crappy screenshot, but you'll note it's the alpha interface despite showing 1.9.2 is installed.

Screen Shot 2020-07-24 at 4 44 13 PM
glouel commented 4 years ago

I get the spinner but no pop up and no change. Here's a video clip going from Alpha to Stable to Alpha. ezgif-7-4560424bed40

So that works correctly, latest available won't change, but currently installed correctly changes to what you picked. When currently installed changes, it actually goes to read the bundle so the file is there.

I went back one more time afterwards back to 1.9.2 and I see this (sorry crappy screenshot, but you'll note it's the alpha interface despite showing 1.9.2 is installed.

Screen Shot 2020-07-24 at 4 44 13 PM

No worries about the screenshot. You didn't happen to have Aerial installed for all users instead of just your user ? And System Preferences was closed (I mean the whole System Preferences, not Aerial's panel) ? Can you close/reopen again just to see ? System Preferences won't reload the new version unless it's restarted if it was open (but if its closed it will load the new version)

May I ask in terminal, try : defaults read "/Users/{youruser}/Library/Screen Savers/Aerial.saver/Contents/Info.plist" CFBundleShortVersionString to see what it says ? It will tell you what's there.

(pretty sure you need a full path somehow, the ~ didn't work here or I'm tired)

ZV00 commented 4 years ago

You didn't happen to have Aerial installed for all users instead of just your user ?

It's long enough ago I can't remember. if you can tell me how to uninstall it via terminal (or otherwise) I can start from scratch and check.

And System Preferences was closed (I mean the whole System Preferences, not Aerial's panel) ? Can you close/reopen again just to see ?

What you're seeing is after that. I quit System Prefs and re-opened the entire app

May I ask in terminal, try : defaults read "/Users/{youruser}/Library/Screen Savers/Aerial.saver/Contents/Info.plist" CFBundleShortVersionString to see what it says ? It will tell you what's there.

The terminal command does correctly match what is shown in the dropdown.

r8ders2k commented 4 years ago

@glouel I installed Aerial Updater and it says that Aerial is not installed... Screen Shot 2020-07-24 at 2 04 57 PM

But I LIKE it!

glouel commented 4 years ago

It's long enough ago I can't remember. if you can tell me how to uninstall it via terminal (or otherwise) I can start from scratch and check.


cd "/Library/Screen Savers"/

if you see Aerial.saver here, rm -rf it !

What you're seeing is after that. I quit System Prefs and re-opened the entire app

I see...

May I ask in terminal, try : defaults read "/Users/{youruser}/Library/Screen Savers/Aerial.saver/Contents/Info.plist" CFBundleShortVersionString to see what it says ? It will tell you what's there.

The terminal command does correctly match what is shown in the dropdown.

Ok so you have the correct version installed, so probably you have two Aerial versions installed, check above ! It's likely you had two versions in System Preferences too.

glouel commented 4 years ago

@glouel I installed Aerial Updater and it says that Aerial is not installed... Screen Shot 2020-07-24 at 2 04 57 PM

@r8ders2k can you check if you installed for your user or all users ? Go check into "/Library/Screen Savers". If Aerial.saver is there, delete it ! Then install via the tool.

ZV00 commented 4 years ago

When I do cd "/Library/Screen Savers"/ ls I get:

Aerial.saver If I then either type rm -rf or alternative do cd "/Library/Screen Savers"/ rm -rf it doesn't do anything. (Sorry terminal noob here)

glouel commented 4 years ago

When I do cd "/Library/Screen Savers"/ ls I get:

Aerial.saver If I then either type rm -rf or alternative do cd "/Library/Screen Savers"/ rm -rf it doesn't do anything. (Sorry terminal noob here)

try rm -rf Aerial.saver

ZV00 commented 4 years ago

Had to add a sudo, but it worked.

Only issue? I still see this:

Screen Shot 2020-07-24 at 5 12 29 PM Screen Shot 2020-07-24 at 5 12 33 PM
ZV00 commented 4 years ago

Side note, you should consider adding a Discord channel 😂

glouel commented 4 years ago

Yep for sudo, all good then. So that's it, you had 2 versions installed ! So now you only have one, and the tool should work as intended.

r8ders2k commented 4 years ago

@r8ders2k Go check into "/Library/Screen Savers". If Aerial.saver is there, delete it ! Then install via the tool.

Yes, it was. Deleted/moved, re-installed & selecting only me, and Aerial Updater working as expected. Thanks!

ZV00 commented 4 years ago

Yep for sudo, all good then. So that's it, you had 2 versions installed ! So now you only have one, and the tool should work as intended.

Confirmed. It works now! Was confused, thought it would entirely uninstall 😬.

glouel commented 4 years ago

Yes, it was. Deleted/moved, re-installed & selecting only me, and Aerial Updater working as expected. Thanks!

Awesome, thanks again for the super quick testing to you both !

Confirmed. It works now! Was confused, thought it would entirely uninstall 😬.

Pretty sure you had two on the list previously and kept opening the other one. Screen savers are not intuitive !

Side note, you should consider adding a Discord channel 😂

Done :

I'll put a link up tomorrow, thanks again !

jamesf-hub commented 4 years ago

On macOS Big Sur, there's no icon.

Screen Shot 2020-07-24 at 2 54 00 PM