JohnCoates / Aerial

Apple TV Aerial Screensaver for Mac
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Version Confusion #1283

Closed Jimmbo closed 1 year ago

Jimmbo commented 1 year ago

When I check the “About” pane in the system pref pane, it says I’m running v3.0.1 (see attached screen shot)

But this file: ~/Library/Screen Savers/Aerial.saver ...shows v3.2.2beta1.

...which I believe is the latest.

Is this the way it's supposed to work?


Screen Shot 2023-01-28 at 3 35 49 PM
glouel commented 1 year ago

Unless you have two versions in you settings panel, this isn't right, no.

Capture d’écran 2023-01-28 à 16 41 55

You may have another version in /Library/Screen Savers/ too and that's the one you may be using. Double check you only have one and it's in your user's Library, not the global one as this is not working great in modern macOS.

Edit: Also, you can't have two versions alongside each other and switch, macOS makes a mess of it.

Jimmbo commented 1 year ago

No, it's only in my user's library.

Good news: version now shows correctly. I suppose I was in update process when I posed that.

However, the question is why it's updating now, when I have Aerial Companion installed. Earlier, I re-downloaded Aerial Companion to replace the previous (just to be sure, though it wasn't too old), and also tweaked some Aerial prefs. This seems to have provoked an update. Strange! I don't need further help on this, but I'm happy to test anything or supply logs if your'e curious.

Also, I was glad to see the option of "let Aerial determine settings for me but don't take all my disk space!". I selected this. However, Aerial is still using a huge 38gb of disk space.

glouel commented 1 year ago

No problem, few things to answer your questions :

Capture d’écran 2023-01-28 à 17 25 09

You can limit the size of the cache to something sensible to you (don't go below 5 GB). It won't clear immediately though. It will only clear on rotation, aka, "Replace videos" (I may change this at some point). Make sure you have "Replace videos" set to something other than Never, or video rotation (and cleanup) will never happen.

Jimmbo commented 1 year ago

Thanks! will update to beta Aerial Companion once I upgrade OS to Ventura. My cache was set to 36gb. Suggest that when you offer to have Aerial config this for the user, you ask "Does X gb seem ok?" I realize there's a fine line between this and manual config, but this strikes me as a reasonable/helpful sanity check.