JohnCoates / Aerial

Apple TV Aerial Screensaver for Mac
MIT License
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Edit Location Text on Local Source Videos - (Default is File Name) #1354

Closed BJ-57 closed 5 months ago

BJ-57 commented 6 months ago

I am running several local video files as part of my Aerial screen saver rotation. I notice that when running, the location display shown on the screen appears to be the file name of the video file, i.e., Downtown Manhattan.mp4. While I don't have a problem with "Downtown Manhattan", I want to drop the .MP4 from the display and can't seem to do it by simply renaming the file without the extention, as then the file will not be recognized by the program as a video file. A review of the control panel options for the screen saver does not seem to provide an option to control this display. Similarly, opening the existing Aerial screen saver videos with video editing tools (i.e., Subler) does not appear to reveal any customizable meta data options. Does anyone have any thoughts or tips? Thanks! BJ

glouel commented 6 months ago

Hey @BJ-57

So yeah I should definitely remove the file extension when defaulting back to this option, that's on me, that should be an easy change.

In the meantime, if you don't mind editing some files, you can get the result you want today.

Open Aerial Settings, go to Advanced, scroll down, press "Show log in finder"

This will open a Finder window where Aerial cache is. There will be a folder in here with the name you gave your source (the folder you have added). Inside you'll find a entries.json that lists all your files.

You can edit that file to add your own description (and even descriptions showing up at specific time in the video) following what is explained here :

What you want is to add this part :

"pointsOfInterest" : {
      "0" : "Something interesting about your video happening at 0 seconds"