JohnCoene / cicerone

🏛️ Give tours of your Shiny apps
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Feature request - extra event to mark end-of-tour. #69

Open nhward opened 1 month ago

nhward commented 1 month ago

I have a situation where controls are coming and going (show / hide) depending on where the mouse is. Cicerone does not seem to want to highlight hidden controls, which is perfectly reasonable behaviour of Cicerone.

To elegantly fix this I need events that mark the start and end of a Cicerone dialogue so I can programmatically ensure the controls are visible and remain so at the beginning of a guided tour. At the end, I can restore the normal show/hide behaviour.

Knowing when a Cicerone session begins is trivial as I plan to have a button to trigger the tour. I lack an event that marks the end of the tour (either by reaching the end or stopping early). A pedant might claim these are different events esp. in the context of "run-once".

Any chance of an input$<id>_cicerone_ended? ... or is this already available but I have not found it yet?