JohnCoene / echarts4r

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Add points to SVG football pitch #497

Open ihrychaniuk opened 1 year ago

ihrychaniuk commented 1 year ago

Hello! I try to reproduce this kind of football pitch plot (at least only with svg pitch and points) in R using echarts4r, but any attempts to add points with e_scatter or e_effect_scatter fail for me and I only can show svg image (if I delete e_scatter) from code below.

Is it possible to create similar plot using echarts4r?

data <- tibble::tibble(x = c(10,100,200,300,400),
                       y = c(10,100,200,300,400))

url <- ""
svg <- url |> 
  readLines() |> 
  paste0(collapse = "")
data |> 
  e_charts(x) |> 
  e_svg_register("svg", svg) |>
    map = "svg",
    label = list(
      show = FALSE
  ) |> e_scatter(y)