JohnCoene / echarts4r

🐳 ECharts 5 for R
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Documentation: implementing a static grid for small charts #564

Closed Mkranj closed 9 months ago

Mkranj commented 10 months ago

As a followup to this issue: A solution for creating small eCharts objects (e.g. height of sub 100px) was described, which involves setting a static grid so the resulting chart doesn't outgrow it's parent div. This PR adds this explanation to the documentation of the e_charts, echarts4rOutput, renderEcharts4r... functions.

Also fixed a typo in the e_charts() reorder argument documentation.

Note: I'm not sure if the man/.Rd files need to be included in the PR, or if they are built automatically during CI/CD. If they're needed, I'll add them :)

munoztd0 commented 9 months ago

Great, thanks !