JohnCoene / echarts4r

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Make e_radar and background image using e_image_g co-move when zooming browser #583

Closed johkemper closed 6 months ago

johkemper commented 8 months ago

In my app, I use the "e_radar" plot type. I add a background image to the radar plot using "e_image_g", as its also used in the example (at the bottom): (though in that example with e_charts, e_scatter).

The problem is: if the using the app in different browsers, with different zoom parameters (e.g. 80% vs. 90% zoom in Chrome browser), the radar chart will adjust its size to the browser zoom, but the background image does not. Could anyone help me how I could make sure that the background image adjusts in the same way?

The relevant code snippet (I hope its ok to not show an example that is not entirely reproducible):

radar plot

output$radar <- renderEcharts4r({
  if (length(input$date_spw1) == 1 & length(input$date_spw2) == 0 & length(input$date_spw3) == 0 & length(input$date_spw4) == 0 & length(input$date_spw5) == 0) {
    if (!nrow(spw())) {
    plot <- spw() %>%
        variable = stringr::str_wrap(variable, 15)
      ) %>%
      e_charts(variable, renderer = "canvas") %>%
      e_radar(var1, name = paste(input$country_spw1, input$date_spw1), max = 7, radar = list(
        axisTick = list(show = FALSE), center = c("50%", "50%"), splitNumber = 7
      )) %>%
        center = c("50%", "50%"), nameGap = 5
      ) %>%
      e_tooltip() %>%
        height = "50%",
        right = "center",
        top = "middle",
        style = list(
          image = "img/frame.png",
          width = 810, # 790
          height = 780, # 790
          opacity = 0.6, rotate = 90
      ) %>%
      e_legend(orient = "vertical", right = 10, bottom = 0) %>%
      e_toolbox(left = "auto", bottom = "0", itemSize = 20, orient = "vertical") %>%
      e_toolbox_feature(feature = c("saveAsImage"), name = "Spiderweb_chart", type = "png") %>%
      # e_labels()%>%
      e_text_style(color = "#1269b0") %>%
        "#5fe9c5", "#fa5a74", "#ffb32a", "#1269b0", "#c90076", "#8fce00",
        "#1b684b", "#1f6676", "#571b1b", "#421655", "#343e04", "#5d3c08be", "#044213"
  } else if (length(input$date_spw1) == 1 & length(input$date_spw2) == 1 & length(input$date_spw3) == 0 & length(input$date_spw4) == 0 & length(input$date_spw5) == 0) {
    if (!nrow(spw())) {


I'd be grateful for help on this issue!

JohnCoene commented 8 months ago

Hi, do you mean the zoom functionality from the browser itself? That seems to make sense somewhat since you have specified the dimensions of the image in pixels (e.g.: width = 810).

Are these required? I've never really used this feature, maybe scaleX and scaleY could help

johkemper commented 8 months ago

Dear John! Thanks a lot for your answer! Yes, I mean the zoom functionality from the browser. True, what you write sounds logic. I need to relate the image to the size of the radar chart. Unfortunately, I have no idea how I can use your hint to modify my code accordingly. Do you have a suggestion? Thanks a lot in advance!

JohnCoene commented 8 months ago

You can pass scaleX (and Y) to e_image_g to change how the image scales: number between 0 and 1.

e_image_g(scaleX = .5, scaleY = .5)