JohnCoene / echarts4r

🐳 ECharts 5 for R
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Make echarts4r available for webR #616

Open seanbirchall opened 5 months ago

seanbirchall commented 5 months ago

Not many charting htmlwidgets currently work with webR / shinylive, it might be more worth while for me to be posting this issue on the respective packages that currently don't work with webR but figured I'd post here too.

It looks like 3 dependencies for echarts4r prevent it from being available on the webR repo mnormt, curl, and ggrepel from here. echarts4r is my go to for interactive visuals, it'd be great if it could be available in webR!

seanbirchall commented 5 months ago

These 3 packages are common across a lot of packages especially htmlwidgets, not sure why though or what package is bringing them in. curl makes sense, but why mnormt and ggrepel is often a dependency I wonder.