JohnCoene / sigmajs

Σ sigma.js for R
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Editing after GEXF import #25

Open jwscot opened 2 years ago

jwscot commented 2 years ago

Hi John,

Please could you help with the following:

1) Is it possible to edit node sizes (and perhaps location) after importing as a GEXF?

2) The neighbouring edges, when highlighted, are obscured by the remaining edges - is there any way to bring neighbouring edges to the front? I've tried to colour them with transparent hex codes but this doesn't seem to work.

3) How would you recommend exporting graphs to use in webpages?



JohnCoene commented 2 years ago

I'll need more time to explore the second questions. Apologies but I'm crazy busy with work these days.

On the first question, I'm afraid it's not, the gexf itself is handled directly by sigma.js not the R package, so I cannot tweak it. On the last question, to export use htmlwidgets::saveWidget(myGraphObject, file = "graph.html")

jwscot commented 2 years ago

Ok, thank you! Another thing I'm struggling with is that when I import my gexf file, the nodes become much closer than they should be.

When I view the gexf in gephi they're positioned where they should be, but the nodes then overlap when I import using sg_from_gexf . I have made the distances between nodes bigger in the gexf prior to importing but this doesn't help.

JohnCoene commented 2 years ago

I think it's more about how it all scales: node size vs. edge length.Perhaps resizing the nodes would help?