JohnCoene / waiter

🕰️ Loading screens for Shiny
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Waiter resize with toggle sidebar #122

Open LaFeh opened 2 years ago

LaFeh commented 2 years ago

I am using the waiter package in a shinyApp with shinydashboardPLUS. The waiter-overlay does react to"standard" resizing events but not to the toggle-sidebar event that comes with shinydashboardPLUS.

It would be create if the width of the waiter overlay changed when the sidebar is toggled. Does anyone know a quick fix?

Here is a repex:


ui <- dashboardPage(header=dashboardHeader(),
                    body=dashboardBody(useWaiter(), # include dependencies
                                actionButton("show", "Show loading for 3 seconds"),


server <- function(input, output, session){

    observeEvent(input$show, {

        waiter_show( id="load",# show the waiter
            html = spin_fading_circles() # use a spinner

        Sys.sleep(3) # do something that takes time

        waiter_hide() # hide the waiter


shinyApp(ui, server)
JohnCoene commented 2 years ago

@divadNojnarg do you fire an event when this is resized?