py: Linux: auto detect if not in bootloader (ACM0 exists?) and reset
py: API blinky example
py: python3-pep8 format code + script
C: standardize primary project file name to main.c
C: remove echo control to simplify parsing. Echo on by default
bitbang: use strtok argument parsing
bitbang: update py to new argument parsing
bitbang: flatten class structure by removing context
bitbang: rename class to reflect it being specifically for bitbang
TODO (future commits):
Review startup LED state
Review setting tristates as 1 => high impedance. 0 may be better since 0 => default high impedance
Review bitbang flags. Can we name them better?
Remove old command names from bitbang help
Sample help output:
CMD> ?
open-tl866 (bitbang)
E val VPP: enable and/or disable (VPP_DISABLE/VPP_ENABLE)
V val VPP: set voltage enum (VPP_SET)
p val VPP: set active pins (VPP_WRITE)
e val VDD: enable and/or disable (VDD_DISABLE/VDD_ENABLE)
v val VDD: set voltage enum (VDD_SET)
d val VDD: set active pins (VDD_WRITE)
g val GND: set active pins (GND_WRITE)
t val I/O: set ZIF tristate setting (ZIF_DIR)
T I/O: get ZIF tristate setting (ZIF_DIR_READ)
z val I/O: set ZIF pins (ZIF_WRITE)
Z I/O: get ZIF pins (ZIF_READ)
l val LED on/off (LED_ON/LED_OFF)
m z val Set pullup/pulldown (MYSTERY_ON/MYSTERY_OFF}
s Print misc status
b Reset to bootloader (RESET_BOOTLOADER)
TODO (future commits):
Sample help output:
Sample EPROM app output: