JohnDoee / autotorrent2

Cross-seed matching and torrent lifecycle tool
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[Failed] 'xxx.torrent' failed to send torrent to client (rtorrent) #21

Open newadventure079 opened 2 years ago

newadventure079 commented 2 years ago

I see [Failed] 'xxx.torrent' failed to send torrent to client sometimes. I turned on debug and it didn't show anything odd or out of the ordinary. It looks like it just simply wouldn't add to rtorrent. Are there any reasons why this would happen or can at2 provide more info if it fails to add?

newadventure079 commented 2 years ago

I added the torrent normally via the web UI and it added fine

JohnDoee commented 2 years ago

Is it a large .torrent file?

If yes, then fixing this is likely related to #13 as it currently has no path on disk to send files to rtorrent (which is a requirement for large .torrent files).

newadventure079 commented 2 years ago

It might be. It's been random so I haven't been able to narrow it down. What would be considered large? Over 1MB?

JohnDoee commented 2 years ago says 2MB is default

newadventure079 commented 2 years ago

Earlier when I said "I added the torrent normally via the web UI and it added fine", I do remember that being a large data set for the torrent but I dont remember what the .torrent size was. I'd have to guess they were large .torrent files when they failed since it seemed random and intermittent. I'll keep an eye out in the future.

newadventure079 commented 2 years ago

I have more results now. All of the data sets were large but most of the .torrent files weren't too large.

[Failed] 'candxxx.torrent' failed to send torrent to client 711kb [Failed] 'cordxxx.torrent' failed to send torrent to client 880kb [Failed] 'edxxx.torrent' failed to send torrent to client 1.3MB [Failed] 'lemxxx.torrent' failed to send torrent to client 229kb [Failed] 'lovxxx2013.torrent' failed to send torrent to client 249kb [Failed] 'lovxxx2014.torrent' failed to send torrent to client 324kb [Failed] 'manxxx.torrent' failed to send torrent to client 760kb [Failed] 'racxxxDID.torrent' failed to send torrent to client 778kb [Failed] 'racxxxMF.torrent' failed to send torrent to client 1MB [Failed] 'salxxx.torrent' failed to send torrent to client 628kb

JohnDoee commented 2 years ago

If you run 1.2.0 with verbose, I hope it'll throw out the actual reason for failing.

newadventure079 commented 2 years ago

I chose the first one from the list above and ran it with verbose

DEBUG:autotorrent.__main__:580:Failed to add torrent: FailedToExecuteException('Failed to add torrent: <ProtocolError for 413 Request Entity Too Large>')

The .torrent is 711kb. Data dir is 78.29GB, 4138 files, 16 folders

newadventure079 commented 2 years ago

I figured it out thanks to the extra debug output!

My XMLRPC size limit was too low. I'm using this docker container

JohnDoee commented 2 years ago

That makes it related to #13 for sure, which is great.

newadventure079 commented 2 years ago

I had one give this output when it failed to add

DEBUG:autotorrent.__main__:580:Failed to add torrent: FailedToExecuteException('Failed to add torrent: <ProtocolError for 502 Bad Gateway>')

Normally 502 Bad Gateway is when rtorrent is down or too busy doing stuff to respond, but I confirmed it's totally up and very responsive

newadventure079 commented 2 years ago

I've had another batch of failed torrents with 502 Bad Gateway. What's interesting tho, is when I add them manually with rutorrent and check the fast resume box, it will still perform a hash check, and that hash check is always 100% fine and then it seeds automatically after the hash check is fine and it didn't find anything wrong. It's like these torrents dont want to be added automatically with fast resume.