JohnDoee / autotorrent2

Cross-seed matching and torrent lifecycle tool
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add torrent to client even if not 100%? #54

Closed mpk99 closed 7 months ago

mpk99 commented 8 months ago

I know this defeats the purpose, but is there a way to force add the torrent using the --stopped state even if the data isn't 100%? I'm not able to see how that's done.


newadventure079 commented 8 months ago

Yes, I do it all the time

add --stopped to the command and make sure you modify add_limit_percent in config.toml

mpk99 commented 8 months ago

Yes, I do it all the time

add --stopped to the command and make sure you modify add_limit_percent in config.toml

Ok nice, so i had that set to 5 percent -- i changed it to 90 or 100 even, and i still can't get anything addded?

add -a qbit /data/testing123.torrent --print-summary --stopped

Matching 1 torrent [Missing] 'testing123.torrent' is missing data with 90% found

Summary: Added: 0 Missing files: 1 Failed: 0 Folder exists: 0 Already seeded: 0 Total: 1

So i'm not entirely sure what's wrong with what i'm doing, but it's still not adding it.

newadventure079 commented 8 months ago

Is your add_limit_size high enough?

newadventure079 commented 8 months ago

and is ignore_file_patterns and ignore_directory_patterns set up ok?

mpk99 commented 8 months ago

Is your add_limit_size high enough?

what should it be? I left them as default settings. same with the ignore patterns

newadventure079 commented 8 months ago

It needs to be high enough to account for the amount of data you're missing. If the torrent you have is missing 10gb of data but your add_limit_size is set to 1gb, at2 wont add it

mpk99 commented 8 months ago

so i have a 36GB torrent and it says 90% is there -- so it's missing less than 5GB in this example.

i set it to 10GB and it still didn't do it. Maybe i'm miscalculating? idk

newadventure079 commented 8 months ago

Here's an example I just ran:

at2 scan -p /volume1/stuff/Holding/test/
Scanning single path /volume1/stuff/Holding/test/
Done scanning
me@DiskStation /v/h/me> at2 add rtorrent-LTS (find ~/torrents/tmp/ -name \*.torrent) --print-summary --stopped
Matching 1 torrent
Looking at test.torrent
 [Missing] "test.torrent" is missing data with 48% found

 Added:          0
 Missing files:  1
 Failed:         0
 Folder exists:  0
 Already seeded: 0
 Total:          1

Changed add_limit_percent from 30% to 80%

at2 scan -p /volume1/stuff/Holding/test/
Scanning single path /volume1/stuff/Holding/test/
Done scanning
me@DiskStation /v/h/me> at2 add rtorrent-LTS (find ~/torrents/tmp/ -name \*.torrent) --print-summary --stopped
Matching 1 torrent
Looking at test.torrent
 [Added]   "test.torrent" added

 Added:          1
 Missing files:  0
 Failed:         0
 Folder exists:  0
 Already seeded: 0
 Total:          1

Part of my config file looks like:

ignore_file_patterns = [

ignore_directory_patterns = [

# Maximum bytes missing when matching data
add_limit_size = 10737418240000

# Maximum percent missing when matching data
# If you want more and more torrents added with less data found, increase this number
# 0 = exact match, 100 = all files missing.  So to be strict, you'd do something like 10, and to be lenient, you'd do something like 80
add_limit_percent = 80

My guess is your add_limit_size or your add_limit_percent isn't high enough. add_limit_size is in bytes, no MB or GB