JohnGlassmyer / UltimaHacks

Patches which add features to, and improve the usability of, the 1990s video games Ultima VII (BG and SI) and Ultima Underworld (I and II), along with a program to compile and apply these patches.
MIT License
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Is there a chance to fix the distorted texture rendering code of UW1? #30

Open SiENcE opened 3 months ago

SiENcE commented 3 months ago

Is there a chance to fix the distorted texture rendering code of UW1?

JohnGlassmyer commented 3 months ago

i don't understand the matter in detail, but what i gather is that more accurate texture mapping would require a lot more arithmetic per rendered frame.

how much of a guesstimate do you have as to how this would become feasible at higher processor speeds?

do you happen to know to what extent later x86 instructions, MMX i guess, would help with this?

would it make sense to be enabled as an additional detail level above "Very High"?

JohnGlassmyer commented 3 months ago

actually, i guess instructions like MMX aren't relevant here, the later processors that implemented them would be powerful enough to do this texture mapping without them.

SiENcE commented 3 months ago

I would agree with you about the speed. Is it basically possible to “inject” “more” code? If so, are there limits? Of course, you would first have to isolate the current algorithm and then write a separate test program and find a suitable solution. How do you go about your work?