JohnKearney1 / Passiv-CLI

Framework for generating, analyzing, and using automated preferential grid style trading algorithms on Binance Perpetual Futures and ByBit Inverse Futures. PassivBot Pre-Versioning Fork with CLI.
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I get an error when I run the bot #2

Closed Shimoli closed 3 years ago

Shimoli commented 3 years ago

key': 'a331d60fe8e76f39d957d74d083b4191f61e7817c5b0ab25d1d89cc3ccc8cbb0', 'leverage': 19.0, 'logging_level': 0, 'market_stop_loss': False, 'max_markup': 0.01135, 'min_close_qty_multiplier': 0.15, 'min_markup': 0.00066, 'n_close_orders': 18.0, 'n_entry_orders': 8, 'stop_loss_liq_diff': 0.07, 'stop_loss_pos_price_diff': 0.9, 'stop_loss_pos_reduction': 0.01, 'symbol': 'BTCUSD'} 2021-03-17T19:30:44 wss:// 2021-03-17T19:30:45 fetched trades BTCUSD 264746304 2021-03-17T16:30:44.566000 2021-03-17T19:30:51 fetched trades BTCUSD 264745304 2021-03-17T16:28:54.416000 Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/hotpoint/Bybit_bot/env/lib/python3.8/site-packages/ccxt/async_support/base/", line 121, in fetch http_response = await response.text() File "/home/hotpoint/Bybit_bot/env/lib/python3.8/site-packages/aiohttp/", line 1076, in text await File "/home/hotpoint/Bybit_bot/env/lib/python3.8/site-packages/aiohttp/", line 1032, in read self._body = await File "/home/hotpoint/Bybit_bot/env/lib/python3.8/site-packages/aiohttp/", line 370, in read block = await self.readany() File "/home/hotpoint/Bybit_bot/env/lib/python3.8/site-packages/aiohttp/", line 392, in readany await self._wait("readany") File "/home/hotpoint/Bybit_bot/env/lib/python3.8/site-packages/aiohttp/", line 306, in _wait await waiter File "/home/hotpoint/Bybit_bot/env/lib/python3.8/site-packages/aiohttp/", line 656, in exit raise asyncio.TimeoutError from None asyncio.exceptions.TimeoutError

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 305, in File "/usr/lib/python3.8/asyncio/", line 43, in run return loop.run_until_complete(main) File "/usr/lib/python3.8/asyncio/", line 616, in run_until_complete return future.result() File "", line 301, in main await start_bot(bot) File "/home/hotpoint/Bybit_bot/Passiv-X-main/Passiv-25/", line 955, in start_bot await bot.start_websocket() File "", line 256, in start_websocket await self.init_indicators() File "/home/hotpoint/Bybit_bot/Passiv-X-main/Passiv-25/", line 865, in init_indicators ticks = await self.fetch_ticks() File "/home/hotpoint/Bybit_bot/Passiv-X-main/Passiv-25/", line 853, in fetch_ticks additional_ticks = await asyncio.gather( File "", line 244, in fetch_trades return await fetch_trades(, self.symbol, from_id) File "", line 85, in fetch_trades fetched_trades = await cc.v2_public_get_trading_records(params=params) File "/home/hotpoint/Bybit_bot/env/lib/python3.8/site-packages/ccxt/async_support/base/", line 95, in fetch2 return await self.fetch(request['url'], request['method'], request['headers'], request['body']) File "/home/hotpoint/Bybit_bot/env/lib/python3.8/site-packages/ccxt/async_support/base/", line 143, in fetch raise RequestTimeout(details) from e ccxt.base.errors.RequestTimeout: bybit GET bybit requires to release all resources with an explicit call to the .close() coroutine. If you are using the exchange instance with async coroutines, add exchange.close() to your code into a place when you're done with the exchange and don't need the exchange instance anymore (at the end of your async coroutine). Unclosed client session client_session: <aiohttp.client.ClientSession object at 0x7efdcc672b20> Unclosed connector connections: ['[(<aiohttp.client_proto.ResponseHandler object at 0x7efdcc6a1d60>, 3587.278847999)]'] connector: <aiohttp.connector.TCPConnector object at 0x7efdcc6c6a60> Bot stopped, attempting to restart in 13 seconds^C

JohnKearney1 commented 3 years ago

Hi! I'm unable to replicate this issue. Appears to be an issue with ccxt at first glance.

Try updating your ccxt package to the latest version:

The requirements.txt file does not have version specification for packages, and the bot has been known to act up with older versions of it. Sometimes your env may install a lower package for compatibility, although I'm unsure of your environment.

If you have any steps to replicate let me know! It may also be helpful to include dependency package versions for what you're using, if you know how to do this.

JohnKearney1 commented 3 years ago

No response, bug is not fatal, unable to replicate, ccxt versioning issue. Closing!