JohnMcLear / draw

A real time collaborative drawing tool using nodejs, & paper.js
Apache License 2.0
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Add pan button? #217

Open theoryshaw opened 8 years ago

theoryshaw commented 8 years ago

Per this..

...Do you think it might be a good idea to add a 'pan button' for those firefox/explorer users? Since 'Cntl + middle button' might not be obvious for 1st time users.

Also some laptops with a touch pad don't have 'middle buttons' per say.

bytesnz commented 8 years ago

The pan is CTRL + left click, so it should be fine for laptops etc. I wonder if a small helpful hint box at the start is in order? It could also be turned into a tool.

theoryshaw commented 8 years ago

Another way, perhaps, is if the selectTool is active and you hold and drag, it would pan the canvas--similar to google maps.

Would require an adjustment to how one can move paths, however. In this case, perhaps users have to select the path first, then move, verses clicking and holding down the mouse button to drag.

Again, selecting objects first and then performing an action, is more in line with other CAD programs.