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Lemmatization performance on Universal Dependency Treebanks #7163

Closed abdullah-alnahas closed 2 years ago

abdullah-alnahas commented 2 years ago

I am comparing the performance of the most popular lemmatization tools. I have found benchmark results for Stanza, Trankit, and spaCy on Universal Dependencies version 2.5. However, I couldn't find anything related to Spark NLP. Could you please point me to it if such a benchmark has already been done?

I have tried to do it myself, and I got an aligned accuracy of ~78% (I am attaching the code and results below). Questions:

  1. Am I using the best available models?
  2. What do you think about the correctness of the evaluation of the lemmatization performance?

Appreciate your input.

import os
from sparknlp.base import *
from sparknlp.annotator import *
from import Pipeline
from sparknlp.pretrained import PretrainedPipeline
from sparknlp import Finisher
import sparknlp

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from tqdm.notebook import tqdm

import pyconll
from conll18_ud_eval import load_conllu, evaluate
spark = sparknlp.start(spark32=True)
def test_lang(lang_code, golden_test_file, model_tag="lemma"):
    data = pyconll.load_from_file(golden_test_file)
    df = spark.createDataFrame([[, sentence.text] for sentence in data]).toDF("id", "text")
    if "lemma" in model_tag:
        document_assembler = DocumentAssembler().setInputCol("text").setOutputCol("document").setCleanupMode("shrink")
        sentence = SentenceDetector().setInputCols("document").setOutputCol("sentence")
        tokenizer = Tokenizer().setInputCols("sentence").setOutputCol("token")
        lemmatizer = LemmatizerModel.pretrained(model_tag, lang_code).setInputCols(["token"]).setOutputCol("lemma")
        pipeline = Pipeline().setStages([document_assembler, sentence, tokenizer, lemmatizer])
        pipeline_executer =[["id", "dummy test"]]).toDF("id", "text"))
        lemmatized_df = pipeline_executer.transform(df)
    elif "wordseg" in model_tag:
        document_assembler = DocumentAssembler() \
            .setInputCol("text") \

        word_segmenter = WordSegmenterModel.pretrained(model_tag, lang_code)\

        lemmatizer = LemmatizerModel.pretrained("lemma", lang_code) \
                .setInputCols(["token"]) \

        pipeline = Pipeline(stages=[document_assembler, word_segmenter , lemmatizer])
        pipeline_executer =[["id", "dummy test"]]).toDF("id", "text"))
        lemmatized_df = pipeline_executer.transform(df)
        #finisher = Finisher().setInputCols(["token", "lemma"])
        explain_pipeline_model = PretrainedPipeline(model_tag, lang=lang_code).model
        pipeline = Pipeline() \
        model =[["id", "dummy test"]]).toDF("id", "text"))
        lemmatized_df = model.transform(df)

    lemmas = x: (x.token, x.lemma)).collect()
    with open(f"sys_test_{lang_code}_sparknlp.conllu", "w") as f:
        for (tokenized_sen, lemmatized_sen), orig_sen in zip(lemmas, data):
            f.write(f"# sent_id = {}\n")
            f.write(f"# text = {orig_sen.text}\n")
            for i, (token, lemma) in enumerate(zip(tokenized_sen, lemmatized_sen)):
corpora_and_model_names = [("UD_Afrikaans-AfriBooms", "lemma"),
("UD_Ancient_Greek-PROIEL", "lemma_spacylookup"),
("UD_Ancient_Greek-Perseus", "lemma_spacylookup"),
("UD_Arabic-PADT", "lemma"),
("UD_Armenian-ArmTDP", "lemma"),
("UD_Basque-BDT", "lemma"),
#("UD_Belarusian-HSE", ""),
("UD_Bulgarian-BTB", "lemma"),
("UD_Catalan-AnCora", "lemma"),
("UD_Chinese-GSD", "lemma"),
("UD_Classical_Chinese-Kyoto", "lemma"),
("UD_Croatian-SET", "lemma"),
("UD_Czech-CAC", "lemma"),
("UD_Czech-CLTT", "lemma"),
("UD_Czech-FicTree", "lemma"),
("UD_Czech-PDT", "lemma"),
("UD_Danish-DDT", "explain_document_md"),
("UD_Dutch-Alpino", "explain_document_md"),
("UD_Dutch-LassySmall", "explain_document_md"),
("UD_English-EWT", "explain_document_dl"),
("UD_English-GUM", "explain_document_dl"),
("UD_English-LinES", "explain_document_dl"),
("UD_English-ParTUT", "explain_document_dl"),
("UD_Estonian-EDT", "lemma"),
("UD_Estonian-EWT", "lemma"),
("UD_Finnish-FTB", "explain_document_lg"),
("UD_Finnish-TDT", "explain_document_lg"),
("UD_French-GSD", "explain_document_md"),
("UD_French-ParTUT", "explain_document_md"),
("UD_French-Sequoia", "explain_document_md"),
("UD_French-Spoken", "explain_document_md"),
("UD_Galician-CTG", "lemma"),
("UD_Galician-TreeGal", "lemma"),
("UD_German-GSD", "explain_document_md"),
("UD_German-HDT", "explain_document_md"),
("UD_Greek-GDT", "lemma"),
("UD_Hebrew-HTB", "lemma"),
("UD_Hindi-HDTB", "lemma"),
("UD_Hungarian-Szeged", "lemma"),
("UD_Indonesian-GSD", "lemma"),
("UD_Irish-IDT", "lemma"),
("UD_Italian-ISDT", "explain_document_md"),
("UD_Italian-ParTUT", "explain_document_md"),
("UD_Italian-PoSTWITA", "explain_document_md"),
("UD_Italian-TWITTIRO", "explain_document_md"),
("UD_Italian-VIT", "explain_document_md"),
("UD_Japanese-GSD", "wordseg_gsd_ud"),
#("UD_Kazakh-KTB", ""),
("UD_Korean-GSD", "wordseg_kaist_ud"),
("UD_Korean-Kaist", "wordseg_kaist_ud"),
#("UD_Kurmanji-MG", ""),
("UD_Latin-ITTB", "lemma"),
("UD_Latin-PROIEL", "lemma"),
("UD_Latin-Perseus", "lemma"),
("UD_Latvian-LVTB", "lemma"),
("UD_Lithuanian-ALKSNIS", "lemma_spacylookup"),
("UD_Lithuanian-HSE", "lemma_spacylookup"),
("UD_Marathi-UFAL", "lemma"),
("UD_Norwegian-Bokmaal", "explain_document_md"),
("UD_Norwegian-Nynorsk", "entity_recognizer_md"),
("UD_Norwegian-NynorskLIA", "entity_recognizer_md"),
#("UD_Old_French-SRCMF", ""),
#("UD_Old_Russian-TOROT", ""),
("UD_Persian-Seraji", "lemma"),
("UD_Polish-LFG", "explain_document_md"),
("UD_Polish-PDB", "explain_document_md"),
("UD_Portuguese-Bosque", "explain_document_md"),
("UD_Portuguese-GSD", "explain_document_md"),
("UD_Romanian-Nonstandard", "lemma"),
("UD_Romanian-RRT", "lemma"),
("UD_Russian-GSD", "explain_document_md"),
("UD_Russian-SynTagRus", "explain_document_md"),
("UD_Russian-Taiga", "explain_document_md"),
#("UD_Scottish_Gaelic-ARCOSG", ""),
("UD_Serbian-SET", "lemma_spacylookup"),
#("UD_Simplified_Chinese-GSDSimp", "lemma"),
("UD_Slovak-SNK", "lemma"),
("UD_Slovenian-SSJ", "lemma"),
("UD_Slovenian-SST", "lemma"),
("UD_Spanish-AnCora", "explain_document_md"),
("UD_Spanish-GSD", "explain_document_md"),
("UD_Swedish-LinES", "explain_document_md"),
("UD_Swedish-Talbanken", "explain_document_md"),
("UD_Tamil-TTB", "lemma"),
#("UD_Telugu-MTG", ""),
("UD_Turkish-IMST", "lemma"),
("UD_Ukrainian-IU", "lemma"),
("UD_Urdu-UDTB", "lemma"),
#("UD_Uyghur-UDT", ""),
("UD_Vietnamese-VTB", "lemma"),]
resutls = []
failed_tests = []
base_dir = "Universal Dependencies 2.5/ud-treebanks-v2.5"
for corpus_name, model_tag in tqdm(corpora_and_model_names):
    corpus_dir = os.path.join(base_dir, corpus_name)
    for fname in os.listdir(corpus_dir):
        if fname.endswith("test.conllu"):
            lang_code = fname.split("_")[0]
            test_corpus_path = os.path.join(corpus_dir, fname)
    print(f"Current corpus={corpus_name}, language_code={lang_code}")
        test_lang(lang_code, test_corpus_path, model_tag)
        sys_corpus_name = f"sys_test_{lang_code}_sparknlp.conllu"
        with open(test_corpus_path) as f:
            gold_ud = load_conllu(f)
        with open(sys_corpus_name) as f:
            system_ud = load_conllu(f)
        res = evaluate(gold_ud, system_ud)["Lemmas"]
        resutls.append((corpus_name, lang_code, res.precision, res.recall, res.f1, res.aligned_accuracy))
        print("Finished successfully 😏")
    except Exception as e:
        print("Failed testing 😭")
        failed_tests.append((corpus_name, lang_code))
UD_Corpus_Title Language Code Spark-NLP Model Precision Recall F1 Aligned Accuracy
0 UD_Afrikaans-AfriBooms af lemma 0.902744 0.91853 0.910568 0.937152
1 UD_Ancient_Greek-PROIEL grc lemma_spacylookup 0.891693 0.891693 0.891693 0.891693
2 UD_Ancient_Greek-Perseus grc lemma_spacylookup 0.733116 0.71783 0.725392 0.749738
3 UD_Arabic-PADT ar lemma 0.581066 0.476012 0.523319 0.727243
4 UD_Armenian-ArmTDP hy lemma 0.595522 0.55091 0.572348 0.697891
5 UD_Basque-BDT eu lemma 0.791485 0.788627 0.790053 0.797329
6 UD_Bulgarian-BTB bg lemma 0.67109 0.672157 0.671623 0.683503
7 UD_Catalan-AnCora ca lemma 0.758982 0.721322 0.739673 0.802467
8 UD_Chinese-GSD zh lemma 0.0132325 0.000582751 0.00111634 1
9 UD_Czech-CAC cs lemma 0.733771 0.730528 0.732146 0.734586
10 UD_Czech-CLTT cs lemma 0.688137 0.72175 0.704543 0.755918
11 UD_Czech-FicTree cs lemma 0.746694 0.733553 0.740065 0.758339
12 UD_Czech-PDT cs lemma 0.757395 0.746024 0.751666 0.764454
13 UD_Danish-DDT da explain_document_md 0.711909 0.614886 0.65985 0.83976
14 UD_Dutch-Alpino nl explain_document_md 0.787347 0.710936 0.747193 0.878805
15 UD_Dutch-LassySmall nl explain_document_md 0.748243 0.654292 0.698121 0.85784
16 UD_English-EWT en explain_document_dl 0.846399 0.824713 0.835415 0.883129
17 UD_English-GUM en explain_document_dl 0.879155 0.865298 0.872171 0.897596
18 UD_English-LinES en explain_document_dl 0.886227 0.877001 0.88159 0.903164
19 UD_English-ParTUT en explain_document_dl 0.844113 0.830986 0.837498 0.853526
20 UD_Estonian-EDT et lemma 0.904108 0.903735 0.903921 0.918683
21 UD_Estonian-EWT et lemma 0.775 0.774385 0.774693 0.792935
22 UD_Finnish-FTB fi explain_document_lg 0.677279 0.676655 0.676967 0.678948
23 UD_Finnish-TDT fi explain_document_lg 0.590387 0.507167 0.545622 0.706746
24 UD_French-GSD fr explain_document_md 0.635399 0.519912 0.571883 0.79954
25 UD_French-ParTUT fr explain_document_md 0.625686 0.525932 0.571488 0.758029
26 UD_French-Sequoia fr explain_document_md 0.631503 0.519506 0.570056 0.791509
27 UD_French-Spoken fr explain_document_md 0.785086 0.774753 0.779886 0.796188
28 UD_Galician-CTG gl lemma 0.668232 0.602731 0.633794 0.752414
29 UD_Galician-TreeGal gl lemma 0.729266 0.66782 0.697192 0.807582
30 UD_German-GSD de explain_document_md 0.668825 0.563583 0.611711 0.806768
31 UD_German-HDT de explain_document_md 0.776414 0.777704 0.777059 0.778939
32 UD_Greek-GDT el lemma 0.809812 0.790386 0.799981 0.843838
33 UD_Hebrew-HTB he lemma 0.629953 0.434875 0.514544 0.964608
34 UD_Hindi-HDTB hi lemma 0.783361 0.787186 0.785269 0.790779
35 UD_Hungarian-Szeged hu lemma 0.765082 0.767132 0.766106 0.775745
36 UD_Indonesian-GSD id lemma 0.899462 0.894652 0.897051 0.906971
37 UD_Irish-IDT ga lemma 0.80888 0.808641 0.80876 0.830345
38 UD_Italian-ISDT it explain_document_md 0.6046 0.479409 0.534775 0.782146
39 UD_Italian-ParTUT it explain_document_md 0.621786 0.504945 0.557307 0.782128
40 UD_Italian-PoSTWITA it explain_document_md 0.605047 0.529918 0.564996 0.761716
41 UD_Italian-TWITTIRO it explain_document_md 0.5921 0.493616 0.538391 0.758781
42 UD_Italian-VIT it explain_document_md 0.619659 0.492226 0.54864 0.804064
43 UD_Latin-ITTB la lemma 0.647334 0.648918 0.648125 0.650706
44 UD_Latin-PROIEL la lemma 0.545493 0.545455 0.545474 0.546113
45 UD_Latin-Perseus la lemma 0.504245 0.504199 0.504222 0.504291
46 UD_Latvian-LVTB lv lemma 0.709491 0.702341 0.705898 0.725001
47 UD_Lithuanian-ALKSNIS lt lemma_spacylookup 0.693599 0.689379 0.691482 0.706444
48 UD_Lithuanian-HSE lt lemma_spacylookup 0.665678 0.634906 0.649928 0.695967
49 UD_Marathi-UFAL mr lemma 0.663014 0.587379 0.622909 0.761006
50 UD_Norwegian-Bokmaal no explain_document_md 0.815898 0.816225 0.816062 0.816389
51 UD_Persian-Seraji fa lemma 0.769021 0.738018 0.7532 0.80198
52 UD_Polish-LFG pl explain_document_md 0.628635 0.514338 0.565772 0.801998
53 UD_Polish-PDB pl explain_document_md 0.624492 0.525329 0.570635 0.75794
54 UD_Portuguese-Bosque pt explain_document_md 0.614403 0.49098 0.545801 0.80424
55 UD_Portuguese-GSD pt explain_document_md 0.721837 0.588773 0.64855 0.919157
56 UD_Romanian-Nonstandard ro lemma 0.580626 0.567235 0.573853 0.60645
57 UD_Romanian-RRT ro lemma 0.780046 0.767765 0.773857 0.800166
58 UD_Russian-GSD ru explain_document_md 0.603459 0.511814 0.553871 0.738998
59 UD_Russian-SynTagRus ru explain_document_md 0.659679 0.544452 0.596552 0.811278
60 UD_Russian-Taiga ru explain_document_md 0.596722 0.488481 0.537203 0.768819
61 UD_Serbian-SET sr lemma_spacylookup 0.449162 0.448297 0.448729 0.461552
62 UD_Slovak-SNK sk lemma 0.745795 0.742017 0.743902 0.749264
63 UD_Slovenian-SSJ sl lemma 0.773393 0.768559 0.770968 0.779973
64 UD_Slovenian-SST sl lemma 0.826261 0.826261 0.826261 0.826261
65 UD_Spanish-AnCora es explain_document_md 0.673841 0.594979 0.631959 0.767172
66 UD_Spanish-GSD es explain_document_md 0.584942 0.51275 0.546472 0.675115
67 UD_Swedish-LinES sv explain_document_md 0.626652 0.560904 0.591958 0.713313
68 UD_Swedish-Talbanken sv explain_document_md 0.692869 0.629386 0.659603 0.776332
69 UD_Tamil-TTB ta lemma 0.632361 0.577677 0.603783 0.738907
70 UD_Turkish-IMST tr lemma 0.799129 0.786619 0.792824 0.834109
71 UD_Ukrainian-IU uk lemma 0.792608 0.764314 0.778204 0.81584
72 UD_Urdu-UDTB ur lemma 0.526349 0.504593 0.515241 0.550066
73 UD_Vietnamese-VTB vi lemma 0.653358 0.788457 0.714578 1
maziyarpanahi commented 2 years ago

Hi @abdullah-alnahas

Thanks for sharing your code and results here. One thing that is very important is adjusting the Tokenizer to get tokens similar to the original datasets (gold standard). Or, bypassing the Tokenizer and using the tokens from the test dataset. (this way you can align token by token which results in lemma by lemma)

I am going to the alignments and keeping this thread up to date. Once we complete this, I will include it in the documentation for the future, so thanks again for your contribution.