JohnSundell / SwiftPlate

Easily generate cross platform Swift framework projects from the command line
MIT License
1.77k stars 88 forks source link

Fails without much warning in Linux #65

Closed lf-araujo closed 6 years ago

lf-araujo commented 6 years ago

Apparently it does not support Linux right now, but it also does not inform what is failing under Ubuntu.

Calling it generates the following:

└─λ swiftplate --verbose
Welcome to the SwiftPlate project generator 🐣
📦  Where would you like to generate a project? (Leave empty to use current directory)

📛  What's the name of your project? (Leave empty to use the name of the project folder: bum)
👶  What's your name?
📫  What's your email address (for Podspec)? You may leave this empty.

🌍  Any GitHub URL that you'll be hosting this project at (for Podspec)? You may leave this empty.
🏢  What's your organization name? You may leave this empty.

SwiftPlate will now generate a project with the following parameters:
📦  Destination: /tmp/bum
📛  Name: lubaluba
👶  Author: lf-araujo
🌍  GitHub URL: lf-araujo/lubaluba
Proceed? ✅ (Y/N)
🚀  Starting to generate project lubaluba...
👉  Removing any previous temporary folder...
✅  Done
👉  Making temporary folder (/tmp/bum/swiftplate_temp)...
✅  Done
👉  Making a local clone of the SwiftPlate repo...
✅  Done
👉  Copying template folder...
An error was encountered 🙁
Error: The operation could not be completed
JohnSundell commented 6 years ago

Hi @lf-araujo! Although SwiftPlate generates Linux-compatible framework projects, it can't be run on Linux. I'm sure this could be achieved, but since most people use Xcode for development on a Mac anyway, it's not a use case I'm looking to support within the near future 🙂