Try going to /overview or any of the protected routes, you should be redirected to sign-in page
sign up for an account
you should see a loading screen, that's the backend processing the request and sending back a token
you should be sent to the /overview page. Going to any other protected routes should have no issues
press logout, you should be redirected to sign-in page again
with your credentials, you should be redirected to overview
after signing in or signing up, trying to go back to /sign-in or /sign-up should redirect you back to overview
You can also check the 'users' collection in mongoDB to see if a document of your newly created account is added there
I will not be dealing with auth errors in this PR. If your requests result in an error from the backend, you should be able to see it being console logged on the frontend (try supplying wrong password or signing up with an email that is already being used)
Recommended testing workflow:
or any of the protected routes, you should be redirected to sign-in page/overview
page. Going to any other protected routes should have no issues/sign-in
should redirect you back to overviewI will not be dealing with auth errors in this PR. If your requests result in an error from the backend, you should be able to see it being console logged on the frontend (try supplying wrong password or signing up with an email that is already being used)