JohnTwentyTwo / Valorant-Checker-Fullcapture

Valorant account checker without using any proxies
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Updated 'tkinter' askopenfile method use to fix bug #4

Open tyl7r opened 5 months ago

tyl7r commented 5 months ago

'tkinter' askopenfile() requires -filetypes (not -filetype) to run code

Bug below: File "/home/runner/Python/", line 87, in checker fileNameCombo = filedialog.askopenfile(parent=root, mode='rb', title='Choose your combo',filetype=(("txt", ".txt"), ("All files", ".txt")))

s =, *master._options(self.options)) _tkinter.TclError: bad option "-filetype": must be -defaultextension, -filetypes, -initialdir, -initialfile, -multiple, -parent, -title, or -typevariable