Closed eltonbrayner closed 4 years ago
testa lá!
testa lá!
Continua sem corta o wild growth (mato)
todos cortam?
todos cortam?
Sim, todos cortam. Pesquisei no WIKI e coloquei as funções de cada ai no issue
Acho que mudaram amor
Machetes podem ser usadas para cortar Jungle Grass e Venorean Spice. fonte:
ñ testei, mas sim, deveriam cortar
ñ testei, mas sim, deveriam cortar
Mas a informação que coloquei ai em cima é do tibiawiki e ele não corta oq ele citou. O próprio machete diz que não corta o mato preto.
era pra cortar sim
Testados. Funcionaram aqui.
Testados. Funcionaram aqui.
Testei não funcionou, os canivetes tem que cortar essa Wild Growth, tentei de tudo...
@Johncorex change in data\actions\lib\actions.lua
function onUseShovel(player, item, fromPosition, target, toPosition, isHotkey) local targetId, targetActionId = target.itemid, target.actionid if isInArray(holes, targetId) then target:transform(targetId + 1) target:decay()
elseif isInArray({231, 9059}, targetId) then local rand = math.random(100) if target.actionid == 100 and rand <= 20 then target:transform(489) target:decay() elseif rand == 1 then Game.createItem(2159, 1, toPosition) elseif rand > 95 then Game.createMonster("Scarab", toPosition) end toPosition:sendMagicEffect(CONST_ME_POFF) -- Wrath of the emperor quest elseif targetId == 351 and targetActionId == 8024 then player:addItem(12297, 1) player:say("You dig out a handful of earth from this sacred place.", TALKTYPE_MONSTER_SAY) -- RookgaardTutorialIsland elseif targetId == 8579 and player:getStorageValue(Storage.RookgaardTutorialIsland.tutorialHintsStorage) < 20 then player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_EVENT_ADVANCE, 'You dug a hole! Walk onto it as long as it is open to jump down into the forest cave.') player:setStorageValue(Storage.RookgaardTutorialIsland.tutorialHintsStorage, 19) Position(32070, 32266, 7):sendMagicEffect(CONST_ME_TUTORIALARROW) Position(32070, 32266, 7):sendMagicEffect(CONST_ME_TUTORIALSQUARE) target:transform(469) addEvent(revertItem, 30 * 1000, toPosition, 469, 8579) -- Gravedigger Quest elseif targetActionId == 4654 and player:getStorageValue(Storage.GravediggerOfDrefia.Mission49) == 1 and player:getStorageValue(Storage.GravediggerOfDrefia.Mission50) < 1 then player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_EVENT_ADVANCE, 'You found a piece of the scroll. You pocket it quickly.') player:getPosition():sendMagicEffect(CONST_ME_POFF) player:addItem(21250, 1) player:setStorageValue(Storage.GravediggerOfDrefia.Mission50, 1) elseif targetActionId == 4668 and player:getStorageValue(Storage.GravediggerOfDrefia.Mission69) == 1 and player:getStorageValue(Storage.GravediggerOfDrefia.Mission70) < 1 then player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_EVENT_ADVANCE, 'A torn scroll piece emerges. Probably gnawed off by rats.') player:getPosition():sendMagicEffect(CONST_ME_POFF) player:addItem(21250, 1) player:setStorageValue(Storage.GravediggerOfDrefia.Mission70, 1) -- ??? elseif targetActionId == 50118 then local wagonItem = Tile(Position(32717, 31492, 11)):getItemById(7131) if wagonItem then Game.createItem(8749, 1, wagonItem:getPosition()) toPosition:sendMagicEffect(CONST_ME_POFF) end elseif targetId == 8749 then local coalItem = Tile(Position(32699, 31492, 11)):getItemById(8749) if coalItem then coalItem:remove(1) toPosition:sendMagicEffect(CONST_ME_POFF) local crucibleItem = Tile(Position(32699, 31494, 11)):getItemById(8642) if crucibleItem then crucibleItem:setActionId(50119) end end elseif isInArray({9632, 20230, 17672, 18586, 18580}, targetId) then if player:getStorageValue(Storage.SwampDiggingTimeout) >= os.time() then toPosition:sendMagicEffect(CONST_ME_POFF) return false end local config = { {from = 1, to = 39, itemId = 2817}, {from = 40, to = 79, itemId = 2145}, {from = 80, to = 100, itemId = 20138} } local chance = math.random(100) for i = 1, #config do local randItem = config[i] if chance >= randItem.from and chance <= then player:addItem(randItem.itemId, 1) player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_EVENT_ADVANCE, 'You dug up a ' .. ItemType(randItem.itemId):getName() .. '.') player:setStorageValue(Storage.SwampDiggingTimeout, os.time() + 604800) toPosition:sendMagicEffect(CONST_ME_GREEN_RINGS) break end end elseif targetId == 103 and targetActionId == 4205 then if player:getStorageValue(Storage.TibiaTales.IntoTheBonePit) ~= 1 then return false end local remains = Game.createItem(2248, 1, toPosition) if remains then remains:setActionId(4206) end toPosition:sendMagicEffect(CONST_ME_HITAREA) addEvent(removeRemains, 60000, toPosition) elseif targetId == 22674 then if not player:removeItem(5091, 1) then return false end target:transform(5731) target:decay() toPosition:sendMagicEffect(CONST_ME_POFF) else return false end return true
function onUsePick(player, item, fromPosition, target, toPosition, isHotkey) local stonePos = Position(32648, 32134, 10) if (toPosition == stonePos) then local tile = Tile(stonePos) local stone = tile:getItemById(1285) if (stone) then stone:remove(1) toPosition:sendMagicEffect(CONST_ME_POFF) addEvent(function() Game.createItem(1285, 1, stonePos) end, 20000)
return true end end local targetId, targetActionId = target.itemid, target.actionid if isInArray({354, 355}, targetId) and (target:hasAttribute(ITEM_ATTRIBUTE_UNIQUEID) or target:hasAttribute(ITEM_ATTRIBUTE_ACTIONID)) then target:transform(392) target:decay() toPosition:sendMagicEffect(CONST_ME_POFF) elseif targetId == 23759 then target:remove() toPosition:sendMagicEffect(CONST_ME_POFF) player:addItem(23760, 1) player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_EVENT_ADVANCE, "You picked a beautiful lion's mane flower.") -- shiny stone refining elseif target.itemid == 11227 then local chance = math.random(1,100) if chance == 1 then player:addItem(2160, 1) -- 1% chance of getting crystal coin elseif chance <= 6 then player:addItem(2148, 1) -- 5% chance of getting gold coin elseif chance <= 51 then player:addItem(2152, 1) -- 45% chance of getting platinum coin else player:addItem(2145, 1) -- 49% chance of getting small diamond end target:getPosition():sendMagicEffect(CONST_ME_BLOCKHIT) target:remove(1) elseif targetId == 11227 then target:remove(1) toPosition:sendMagicEffect(CONST_ME_POFF) player:addItem(2152, 10) elseif targetId == 7200 then target:transform(7236) target:decay() toPosition:sendMagicEffect(CONST_ME_HITAREA) elseif targetId == 468 then target:transform(469) target:decay() toPosition:sendMagicEffect(CONST_ME_HITAREA) elseif targetId == 6299 then target:transform(482) target:decay() toPosition:sendMagicEffect(CONST_ME_HITAREA) elseif targetId == 23712 then target:transform(23713) target:decay() toPosition:sendMagicEffect(CONST_ME_HITAREA) elseif targetId == 481 then target:transform(482) target:decay() toPosition:sendMagicEffect(CONST_ME_HITAREA) elseif targetId == 483 then target:transform(484) target:decay() toPosition:sendMagicEffect(CONST_ME_HITAREA) elseif targetId == 7932 then target:transform(7933) target:decay() toPosition:sendMagicEffect(CONST_ME_HITAREA) --sea of light elseif targetId == 8634 then if target.actionid == 4224 then if math.random(100) <= 30 then if player:getStorageValue(Storage.SeaOfLightQuest.Questline) == 4 and player:getStorageValue(target.actionid) ~= 1 then player:addItem(10614, 1) player:setStorageValue(target.actionid, 1) player:setStorageValue(Storage.SeaOfLightQuest.Questline, 5) player:say("*crush*", TALKTYPE_MONSTER_SAY) end else player:getPosition():sendMagicEffect(CONST_ME_POFF) end end -- grimvale quest elseif targetId == 24731 then if player:getExhaustion(Storage.Grimvale.SilverVein) <= 0 then local chance = math.random(1, 10) if chance >= 5 then player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_EVENT_ADVANCE, 'Even after a thorough and frustrating search you could not find enough liquified silver in this vein to fill a flask.') elseif chance <= 4 then player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_EVENT_ADVANCE, 'Carefully you gather some of the liquified silver from this vein in a small flask. You now feel strangely affected to the moon.') player:addItem(24714) target:transform(4475) addEvent(revertItem, 10 * 60 * 1000, toPosition, 4475, 24731) end player:setExhaustion(Storage.Grimvale.SilverVein, 30) else player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_EVENT_ADVANCE, 'You are still exhausted from earlier attempts. Getting liquid silver out of the mountain needs concentration and a steady hand.') end return true --The Ice Islands Quest, Nibelor 1: Breaking the Ice elseif targetId == 3621 and targetActionId == 12026 then local missionProgress, pickAmount = player:getStorageValue(Storage.TheIceIslands.Mission02), player:getStorageValue(Storage.TheIceIslands.PickAmount) if missionProgress < 1 or pickAmount >= 3 or player:getStorageValue(Storage.TheIceIslands.Questline) ~= 3 then return false end player:setStorageValue(Storage.TheIceIslands.PickAmount, math.max(0, pickAmount) + 1) player:setStorageValue(Storage.TheIceIslands.Mission02, missionProgress + 1) -- Questlog The Ice Islands Quest, Nibelor 1: Breaking the Ice if pickAmount >= 2 then player:setStorageValue(Storage.TheIceIslands.Questline, 4) player:setStorageValue(Storage.TheIceIslands.Mission02, 4) -- Questlog The Ice Islands Quest, Nibelor 1: Breaking the Ice end local crackItem = Tile(toPosition):getItemById(7185) if crackItem then crackItem:transform(7186) addEvent(revertItem, 60 * 1000, toPosition, 7186, 7185) end local chakoyas = {"chakoya toolshaper", "chakoya tribewarden", "chakoya windcaller"} Game.createMonster(chakoyas[math.random(#chakoyas)], toPosition) toPosition:sendMagicEffect(CONST_ME_TELEPORT) elseif targetId == 1304 then --The Pits of Inferno Quest if target.uid == 1022 then for i = 1, #lava do Game.createItem(5815, 1, lava[i]) end target:transform(2256) toPosition:sendMagicEffect(CONST_ME_SMOKE) -- naginata quest elseif targetActionId == 50058 then local stoneStorage = Game.getStorageValue(GlobalStorage.NaginataStone) if stoneStorage ~= 5 then Game.setStorageValue(GlobalStorage.NaginataStone, math.max(0, stoneStorage) + 1) elseif stoneStorage == 5 then target:remove(1) Game.setStorageValue(GlobalStorage.NaginataStone) end toPosition:sendMagicEffect(CONST_ME_POFF) doTargetCombatHealth(0, player, COMBAT_PHYSICALDAMAGE, -31, -39, CONST_ME_NONE) end --The Banshee Quest elseif targetId == 9025 and targetActionId == 101 then target:transform(392) target:decay() toPosition:sendMagicEffect(CONST_ME_POFF) -- The Hidden City of Beregar Quest elseif targetActionId == 50090 then --if player:getStorageValue(Storage.hiddenCityOfBeregar.WayToBeregar) == 1 then player:teleportTo(Position(32566, 31338, 10)) --end elseif targetActionId == 50114 then if Tile(Position(32617, 31513, 9)):getItemById(1027) and Tile(Position(32617, 31514, 9)):getItemById(1205) then local rubbleItem = Tile(Position(32619, 31514, 9)):getItemById(5709) if rubbleItem then rubbleItem:remove(1) end else player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_EVENT_ADVANCE, "You can't remove this pile since it's currently holding up the tunnel.") end -- Pythius The Rotten (Firewalker Boots) elseif targetActionId == 50127 then if player:getStorageValue(Storage.QuestChests.FirewalkerBoots) == 1 then return false end target:remove(1) local stoneItem = Tile(toPosition):getItemById(1304) if stoneItem then stoneItem:remove(1) end iterateArea( function(position) local groundItem = Tile(position):getGround() if groundItem and groundItem.itemid == 598 then groundItem:transform(5815) end end, Position(32550, 31373, 15), Position(32551, 31379, 15) ) iterateArea( function(position) position:sendMagicEffect(CONST_ME_POFF) end, Position(32551, 31374, 15), Position(32551, 31379, 15) ) local portal = Game.createItem(1387, 1, Position(32551, 31376, 15)) if portal then portal:setActionId(50126) end -- The Asure elseif targetActionId == 50091 then player:teleportTo(Position(32960, 32676, 4)) -- Wrath of the emperor quest elseif targetId == 12296 then player:addItem(12295, 1) player:say("The cracked part of the table lets you cut out a large chunk of wood with your pick.", TALKTYPE_MONSTER_SAY) elseif targetId == 22671 then target:transform(392) target:decay() else return false end
--Lower Roshamuul if (target ~= nil) and target:isItem() and (target:getId() == 22469) then if math.random(100) > 50 then player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_EVENT_ADVANCE, "Crushing the stone produces some fine gravel.") target:transform(22467) target:decay() else Game.createMonster("Frazzlemaw", toPosition) player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_EVENT_ADVANCE, "Crushing the stone yields nothing but slightly finer, yet still unusable rubber.") target:transform(22468) target:decay() end return true end end
function onUseMachete(player, item, fromPosition, target, toPosition, isHotkey) local targetId = target.itemid if isInArray(JUNGLE_GRASS, targetId) then target:transform(targetId == 19433 and 19431 or targetId - 1) target:decay() return true end
if isInArray(WILD_GROWTH, targetId) then toPosition:sendMagicEffect(CONST_ME_POFF) target:remove() return true end return onDestroyItem(player, item, fromPosition, target, toPosition, isHotkey)
function onUseCrowbar(player, item, fromPosition, target, toPosition, isHotkey) if not isInArray({2416, 10515}, item.itemid) then return false end
local targetActionId, targetUniqueId = target.actionid, target.uid -- In Service Of Yalahar Quest if targetUniqueId == 3071 then if player:getStorageValue(Storage.InServiceofYalahar.SewerPipe01) < 1 then
-- doSetMonsterOutfit(player, 'skeleton', 3 * 1000) fromPosition:sendMagicEffect(CONST_ME_ENERGYHIT) player:setStorageValue(Storage.InServiceofYalahar.SewerPipe01, 1) player:setStorageValue(Storage.InServiceofYalahar.Mission01, player:getStorageValue(Storage.InServiceofYalahar.Mission01) + 1) -- StorageValue for Questlog 'Mission 01: Something Rotten' local position = player:getPosition() for x = -1, 1 do for y = -1, 1 do position = position + Position(x, y, 0) position:sendMagicEffect(CONST_ME_YELLOWENERGY) end end end
elseif targetUniqueId == 3072 then if player:getStorageValue(Storage.InServiceofYalahar.SewerPipe02) < 1 then player:setStorageValue(Storage.InServiceofYalahar.SewerPipe02, 1) player:setStorageValue(Storage.InServiceofYalahar.Mission01, player:getStorageValue(Storage.InServiceofYalahar.Mission01) + 1) -- StorageValue for Questlog 'Mission 01: Something Rotten' local position = player:getPosition() for x = -1, 1 do for y = -1, 1 do if math.random(2) == 2 then position = position + Position(x, y, 0) Game.createMonster('rat', position) position:sendMagicEffect(CONST_ME_TELEPORT) end end end end elseif targetUniqueId == 3073 then if player:getStorageValue(Storage.InServiceofYalahar.SewerPipe03) < 1 then player:say('You have used the crowbar on a grate.', TALKTYPE_MONSTER_SAY) player:setStorageValue(Storage.InServiceofYalahar.SewerPipe03, 1) player:setStorageValue(Storage.InServiceofYalahar.Mission01, player:getStorageValue(Storage.InServiceofYalahar.Mission01) + 1) -- StorageValue for Questlog 'Mission 01: Something Rotten' end elseif targetUniqueId == 3074 then if player:getStorageValue(Storage.InServiceofYalahar.SewerPipe04) < 1 then
-- doSetMonsterOutfit(player, 'bog raider', 5 * 1000) player:say('You have used the crowbar on a knot.', TALKTYPE_MONSTER_SAY) player:setStorageValue(Storage.InServiceofYalahar.SewerPipe04, 1) player:setStorageValue(Storage.InServiceofYalahar.Mission01, player:getStorageValue(Storage.InServiceofYalahar.Mission01) + 1) -- StorageValue for Questlog 'Mission 01: Something Rotten' end
elseif targetActionId == 100 then local targetId = target.itemid -- Postman Quest if targetId == 2593 then if player:getStorageValue(Storage.postman.Mission02) == 1 then player:setStorageValue(Storage.postman.Mission02, 2) toPosition:sendMagicEffect(CONST_ME_MAGIC_BLUE) end -- The Ape City - Mission 7 elseif targetId == 5539 then local cStorage = player:getStorageValue(Storage.TheApeCity.Casks) if cStorage < 3 then player:setStorageValue(Storage.TheApeCity.Casks, math.max(0, cStorage) + 1) target:transform(2249) toPosition:sendMagicEffect(CONST_ME_EXPLOSIONAREA) addEvent(revertCask, 3 * 60 * 1000, toPosition) end end -- Secret Service Quest elseif targetActionId == 12566 and player:getStorageValue(Storage.secretService.TBIMission06) == 1 then local yellPosition = Position(32204, 31157, 8) if player:getOutfit().lookType == 137 then -- amazon lookType player:setStorageValue(Storage.secretService.TBIMission06, 2) Game.createMonster('barbarian skullhunter', yellPosition) -- say player:say("Nooooo! What have you done??", TALKTYPE_MONSTER_SAY, false, 0, yellPosition) yellPosition.y = yellPosition.y - 1 Game.createMonster('barbarian skullhunter', yellPosition) end else return false end return true
function onUseSpoon(player, item, fromPosition, target, toPosition, isHotkey) local targetId = target.itemid
--The Ice Islands Quest if targetId == 388 then if player:getStorageValue(Storage.TheIceIslands.Questline) >= 21 then if player:getStorageValue(Storage.TheIceIslands.SulphurLava) < 1 then player:addItem(7247, 1) -- fine sulphur player:setStorageValue(Storage.TheIceIslands.SulphurLava, 1) toPosition:sendMagicEffect(CONST_ME_MAGIC_RED) player:say('You retrive a fine sulphur from a lava hole.', TALKTYPE_MONSTER_SAY) end end elseif targetId == 4184 then if player:getStorageValue(Storage.TheIceIslands.Questline) >= 21 then if player:getStorageValue(Storage.TheIceIslands.SporesMushroom) < 1 then player:addItem(7251, 1) player:setStorageValue(Storage.TheIceIslands.SporesMushroom, 1) toPosition:sendMagicEffect(CONST_ME_MAGIC_RED) player:say('You retrive spores from a mushroom.', TALKTYPE_MONSTER_SAY) end end -- What a foolish Quest - Mission 8 (Sulphur) elseif targetId == 8573 or targetId == 388 then if player:getStorageValue(Storage.WhatAFoolishQuest.Questline) ~= 21 or player:getStorageValue(Storage.WhatAFoolishQuest.InflammableSulphur) == 1 then return false end player:setStorageValue(Storage.WhatAFoolishQuest.InflammableSulphur, 1) player:addItem(8204, 1) -- easily inflammable sulphur toPosition:sendMagicEffect(CONST_ME_YELLOW_RINGS) else return false end return true
function onUseScythe(player, item, fromPosition, target, toPosition, isHotkey) if not isInArray({2550, 10513}, item.itemid) then return false end
local targetId, targetActionId = target.itemid, target.actionid if targetId == 5465 then target:transform(5464) target:decay() Game.createItem(5467, 1, toPosition) return true end if targetId == 2739 then target:transform(2737) target:decay() Game.createItem(2694, 1, toPosition) return true end -- Secret Library if targetActionId == 64028 then player:teleportTo(Position(32515, 32535, 12)) return true end return onDestroyItem(player, item, fromPosition, target, toPosition, isHotkey)
function onUseKitchenKnife(player, item, fromPosition, target, toPosition, isHotkey) if not isInArray({2566, 10511, 10515}, item.itemid) then return false end
local targetId = target.itemid -- by vikingtibia if targetId == 2992 then --if player:getStorageValue(Storage.TheIceIslands.Questline) >= 21 then --if player:getStorageValue(cid, 41600) >= 0 then player:addItem(13159, 1) target:transform(2993) --player:setStorageValue(Storage.TheIceIslands.FrostbiteHerb, 1) toPosition:sendMagicEffect(CONST_ME_MAGIC_BLUE) player:say('You cut a Rabbits Foot from a rabbit.', TALKTYPE_MONSTER_SAY) end --The Ice Islands Quest if targetId == 7261 then if player:getStorageValue(Storage.TheIceIslands.Questline) >= 21 then if player:getStorageValue(Storage.TheIceIslands.FrostbiteHerb) < 1 then player:addItem(7248, 1) player:setStorageValue(Storage.TheIceIslands.FrostbiteHerb, 1) toPosition:sendMagicEffect(CONST_ME_MAGIC_BLUE) player:say('You cut a leaf from a frostbite herb.', TALKTYPE_MONSTER_SAY) end end elseif targetId == 2733 then if player:getStorageValue(Storage.TheIceIslands.Questline) >= 21 then if player:getStorageValue(Storage.TheIceIslands.FlowerCactus) < 1 then player:addItem(7245, 1) player:setStorageValue(Storage.TheIceIslands.FlowerCactus, 1) target:transform(2723) addEvent(revertItem, 60 * 1000, toPosition, 2723, 2733) toPosition:sendMagicEffect(CONST_ME_MAGIC_GREEN) player:say('You cut a flower from a cactus.', TALKTYPE_MONSTER_SAY) end end elseif targetId == 4017 then if player:getStorageValue(Storage.TheIceIslands.Questline) >= 21 then if player:getStorageValue(Storage.TheIceIslands.FlowerBush) < 1 then player:addItem(7249, 1) player:setStorageValue(Storage.TheIceIslands.FlowerBush, 1) target:transform(4014) addEvent(revertItem, 60 * 1000, toPosition, 4014, 4017) toPosition:sendMagicEffect(CONST_ME_MAGIC_GREEN) player:say('You cut a flower from a bush.', TALKTYPE_MONSTER_SAY) end end -- What a foolish Quest (Mission 1) elseif target.actionid == 4200 then if toPosition.x == 32349 and toPosition.y == 32361 and toPosition.z == 7 then player:addItem(7476, 1) player:say('The stubborn flower has ruined your knife but at least you got it.', TALKTYPE_MONSTER_SAY, false, player, toPosition) item:remove(1) else player:say('This flower is too pathetic.', TALKTYPE_MONSTER_SAY, false, player, toPosition) end -- What a foolish Quest (Mission 5) elseif targetId == 7480 then if player:getStorageValue(Storage.WhatAFoolishQuest.EmperorBeardShave) == 1 then player:say('God shave the emperor. Some fool already did it.', TALKTYPE_MONSTER_SAY) return true end player:setStorageValue(Storage.WhatAFoolishQuest.EmperorBeardShave, 1) player:say('This is probably the most foolish thing you\'ve ever done!', TALKTYPE_MONSTER_SAY) player:addItem(7479, 1) Game.createMonster('dwarf guard', Position(32656, 31853, 13)) -- What a foolish Quest (Mission 8) elseif targetId == 4008 then if player:getStorageValue(Storage.WhatAFoolishQuest.Questline) ~= 22 or player:getStorageValue(Storage.WhatAFoolishQuest.SpecialLeaves) == 1 then return false end player:setStorageValue(Storage.WhatAFoolishQuest.SpecialLeaves, 1) player:addItem(8109, 1) toPosition:sendMagicEffect(CONST_ME_BLOCKHIT) elseif isInArray(fruits, targetId) and player:removeItem(6278, 1) then target:remove(1) player:addItem(6279, 1) player:getPosition():sendMagicEffect(CONST_ME_MAGIC_GREEN) else return false end return true
Commita lá flor, seus credits
fixado by @marsoncschneider
Os canivetes tem função apenas de SHOVEL e ROPE.
Não funcionam para os demais items
Sneaky Stabber of Eliteness (Canivete vermelho) Pode ser usada como: Rope, Shovel, Pick, Machete, Spoon e Kitchen Knife.
Squeezing Gear of Girlpower (Canivete Rosa) Pode ser usada como: Rope, Shovel, Pick, Machete, Scythe e Sickle.
Whacking Driller of Fate (Azul) Pode ser usada como: Rope, Shovel, Pick, Machete, Crowbar e Kitchen Knife.