Closed Th3win3r closed 1 year ago
RegisterServerEvent('Prefech:JD_logsV3:playerShotWeapon') --[[ Shooting logs. ]] AddEventHandler('Prefech:JD_logsV3:playerShotWeapon', function(weapon, count) if Config.weaponLog then --> ServerFunc.CreateLog({EmbedMessage = lang.shooting.msg:gsub("{name}", GetPlayerName(source)):gsub("{weapon}", weapon):gsub("{count}", count), player_id = source, channel = 'shooting'}) <-- end end)
I think it's the gsub
You are shooting a weapon that isn't listen in the clientTables.lua
This error is resolved in V3.1.4, now it will print a warning to the console
RegisterServerEvent('Prefech:JD_logsV3:playerShotWeapon') --[[ Shooting logs. ]] AddEventHandler('Prefech:JD_logsV3:playerShotWeapon', function(weapon, count) if Config.weaponLog then --> ServerFunc.CreateLog({EmbedMessage = lang.shooting.msg:gsub("{name}", GetPlayerName(source)):gsub("{weapon}", weapon):gsub("{count}", count), player_id = source, channel = 'shooting'}) <-- end end)
I think it's the gsub