Johnnynator / void-packages-old

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VirtualShield for Linux #3

Open ghost opened 6 years ago

ghost commented 6 years ago

Hello, I am looking for someone who can help me package VirtualShield for Void Linux, it is run using Mono & openvpn, I have already just about gotten PKGBUILDs to work with Arch Linux so the extra step to Void shouldn't take much, I have already gotten it working on Void Linux myself but have not created a template. It is a simple install of binary .exe files to two directories + an init script I have already made myself.

VirtualShield is a very safe, reliable VPN that does NOT do logging. The VirtualShield dev team was initially only going to be supporting .deb files but I have convinced them into supporting more than just .deb and more than just sysv+systemd. Void MUSL is a great project btw, I love it on my laptop and have converted my other PCs to an arch-linux derivative w Runit since it works so well.

The templates in Void Linux look fairly simple, is there perhaps one you can show me that installs only binary files so I can have a good example to model a VirtualShield template over? And does 'install -D -m755' also work in Void Linux?

Johnnynator commented 6 years ago

Firstly why are you opening a issue on my Fork instead of the main repo at Secondly Void does have additional functions for usage in do_install like vbin or vinstall that should be used to install files. E.g. vbin binary is the equivalent to install -D -m755 binary ${DESTDIR}/usr/bin/binary

ghost commented 6 years ago

I read about the original voidlinux repo becoming unuseable, I wasn't sure where everything went, yours just happened to come up on google, sorry.

ghost commented 6 years ago

and thanks, that answers my question. I'll have to craft a template. What would the equivalent to install -D -m666 be? which wiki can I check out that will be most relevant to this?

Johnnynator commented 6 years ago

The in the repo is the documentation. vinstall <file> <mode> <targetdir> is the general usage one. Mode would be just 644 -D -m is already set.

ghost commented 6 years ago

Cool, this shouldn't be too difficult then. thank you.