Johnsalzarulo / design-challenge

This is just a sample design challenge for Better.
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Design Challenge - Walter #33

Open waltcerna opened 5 years ago

waltcerna commented 5 years ago

Hey Developer! Let's see what we can do to make the experience, complexity and flow a little better for everyone. You included. =)

Dev --- I am attempting to adapt this to mobile and it's unusable. I am trying to figure out how to best handle error states. Example: the email used to sign up must be unique. Handling this validation with the complexity of the form is difficult. This user experience is frustrating, do you have any thoughts on how to improve it?

Design --- Yes, I can help you improve the experience for this form. First, we should stack the items and work our way to wider screens. That way we can get a better sense of what the experience will be like on phones. Users are accustomed to scrolling so we don't have to worry much about that restriction. We can also increase the sizing of the input fields to be more "tappable". As for the error states, these should appear below the input label in red. If we can make it appear as soon as the user moves the focus away vs waiting until the submission it would help the user a lot more and prevent frustration.

Developer -- What about aesthetics? How do you think this form looks? Is there anything we can do to make it feel more complete and polished?

Designer -- Absolutely. As mentioned earlier, we can adjust the look of the inputs by making them taller ( 45-50px), removing the border and making the background color a bit more transparent. When the input is focused on, we can transition it a slightly less transparent green and add the border to it.