JohnsonHsieh / iNEXT

R package for interpolation and extrapolation
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Calculating sample-based rarefaction curves for abundance data standardized to individuals per sample #20

Open mcjudd opened 7 years ago

mcjudd commented 7 years ago


Is this possible in the latest version of your R package? I have been using EstimateS to do this to account for spatial and temporal clustering of species in my assemblages, but would like to shift to a more reproducible workflow. It appears that your closest calculation, incidence-raw/incidence-frequency does not account for the relative abundance of each observed species per sampling unit.

Thank you, Mike

eliphalethcarmona commented 1 month ago

I don't know if it is still relevant, but Chiu (2023) published a way to estimate sample coverage and rarefaction and extrapolation curves of species richness based on sample-based abundance data. I hope it is soon implemented to iNEXT and its sequels (iNEXT.3D & iNEXT. beta3D).

Chiu, C. H. (2023). Sample coverage estimation, rarefaction, and extrapolation based on sample‐based abundance data. Ecology, 104(8), e4099.