Johnwickdev / Hightable

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Delta sink actual #82

Open Johnwickdev opened 2 months ago

Johnwickdev commented 2 months ago

// Retrieve the side output stream DataStream deltaStream = processedStream.getSideOutput(deltaTag);

// Update the actual MongoDB collection with the changes deltaStream.addSink(new SinkFunction() { @Override public void invoke(Document deltaDoc, Context context) { try (var mongoClient = MongoClients.create(mongoConfig.getUri())) { MongoDatabase database = mongoClient.getDatabase(mongoConfig.getDatabase()); MongoCollection collection = database.getCollection(mongoConfig.getCollection());

        Document filter = new Document("CSPA", deltaDoc.getString("CSPA"));
        Document update = new Document("$set", deltaDoc.get("document"));

        collection.updateOne(filter, update);
    } catch (Exception e) {


// Optionally, also write the delta records to a separate delta collection deltaStream.addSink(new MongoDBDeltaSink(mongoConfig));