I just restarted my watch and see this in Serial Monitor:
I (6679) wifi:AP's beacon interval = 102400 us, DTIM period = 3
I (10079) tcpip_adapter: sta ip:, mask:, gw:
I (10089) WIFI: Got IP:
I (10089) WS: Detected Wifi=3
I (10089) WS: Socket status=0
I (10089) WS: Connecting socket to server
I (10099) WS: Initializing websocket ws://
I (10129) WS: Websocket initialized!
I (10129) WS: Wifi is connected! Auto connect OK!
I (10169) WS: Web socket connected to server!
I (20189) WS: Received opcode=10
W (20189) WS: Total payload length=0, > data_len=0, current payload offset=0
From the last few lines, I would guess that the watch is connected to the SK server, but there is no SK icon on the status bar, and I'm not getting updates for my two DynamicView pages. If I disable wifi, then re-enable it, it connects, then I start seeing an every-second flow of SK data.
I just restarted my watch and see this in Serial Monitor:
I (6679) wifi:AP's beacon interval = 102400 us, DTIM period = 3 I (10079) tcpip_adapter: sta ip:, mask:, gw: I (10089) WIFI: Got IP: I (10089) WS: Detected Wifi=3 I (10089) WS: Socket status=0 I (10089) WS: Connecting socket to server I (10099) WS: Initializing websocket ws:// I (10129) WS: Websocket initialized! I (10129) WS: Wifi is connected! Auto connect OK! I (10169) WS: Web socket connected to server! I (20189) WS: WEBSOCKET_EVENT_DATA I (20189) WS: Received opcode=10 W (20189) WS: Total payload length=0, > data_len=0, current payload offset=0 From the last few lines, I would guess that the watch is connected to the SK server, but there is no SK icon on the status bar, and I'm not getting updates for my two DynamicView pages. If I disable wifi, then re-enable it, it connects, then I start seeing an every-second flow of SK data.