Updated bridge monitor links with the ones we are hosting.
Added warning for old colony version (older than 11). To see how it should look, change both !isSupportedColonyVersion in ControlSafeForm to isSupportedColonyVersion.
Added Etherscan and BscScan attributions to ABI textarea. The attribution should change depending on the chain of the safe.
Safes to test:
0x3F107AFF0342Cfb5519A68B3241565F6FC9BAC1e (Ethereum)
0x8dfABd117Db8BC64829Ce7C595F20998b054cDC2 (Module)
.Safes to test:
(Binance Smart Chain)0xCC199aCAb2B38C6DC5f7304B29BDEb3a83E7d212
(Module)Resolves #4173