JoinColony / colonyHackathon

Submissions for the Colony Hackathon
29 stars 38 forks source link

TrueGift #34

Closed KCWx9 closed 6 years ago

KCWx9 commented 6 years ago

Colony Hackathon Submission

Project Title


Project Description

A collaboration platform for crowdsourcing solutions to 21st century challenges.

Decentralised operations based on location for the co-creation of unique products by upcycling unwanted / unused materials through crowdsourced donations of time and skill.

Project Repository

Team Members and Contact info

@KCWx9 @gkimbwala @justpixel @vardhanapoorv @Wipakelly

We have the right team for the hackathon.

You can find us here: More updates to follow.

jrmoreau commented 6 years ago

Awesome idea! Let me know if you need any support from Colony to get going.

gkimbwala commented 6 years ago

I really like this idea and I would love to work on this with you!

justpixel commented 6 years ago

If you are looking for a UI designer, I would like to contribute to this project.

vardhanapoorv commented 6 years ago

I like the idea and would like to be a part of it

Wipakelly commented 6 years ago

I'm very interested in this idea and would like to help out!

KCWx9 commented 6 years ago

If you're interested in working on this project you can find us here: