JoinColony / colonyHackathon

Submissions for the Colony Hackathon
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GitColony / BountyColony -- Divide and Conquer a large StandardBounty #39

Open austintgriffith opened 6 years ago

austintgriffith commented 6 years ago

Colony Hackathon Submission

GitColony / BountyColony

The goal of this project is to make it possible for funders to create large scale Standard Bounties which require a colony of coordination to complete. The original funders can have as much or as little to do with the management and completion of the Standard Bounty as they wish.

1) This project will have a Fulfillment contract deployed to interface between a Standard Bounty and a Colony.

2) A Standard Bounty is created on Gitcoin, Bounties Network, or other bounty site that follows the standard.

3) Any address (including the creator of the Standard Bounty) can then interface with this project's Fulfillment contract to trigger the fullfillBounty() on the Standard Bounty and initiate the creation of the colony...

4) This calls Colony's createToken() to deploy an ERC20 that represents the ETH contributed to the bounty. (It will have to mint any time contribute() is called on the Standard Bounty)

5) createColony() is then called with the Token deployed in step 4 and a Colony is able to form around completing the large Standard Bounty. This means the original bounty is split into domains which are split into tasks. The completion of these tasks is facilitated by managers, workers, and evaluators within the ecosystem.

6) Finally, when the Standard Bounty is fulfilled, the ETH is paid to the Fulfillment contract created by this project. This contract then allows holders of the native Colony token to exchange their tokens for ETH.

One drawback I see to large bounties is the lack of payment along the way. Perhaps some system could be devised to get Eth to workers earlier.

I would love further feedback and help from the community.

Is this a viable hackathon product?

Is the need of large bounties satisfied by the new Gitcoin Community bounties?

Am I missing something major?

Would you like to help?!?

Austin Griffith

(see Standard Bounty specifications here: (reference: Colony White Paper

matth3us commented 6 years ago

That sounds like an awesome project! It could unlock bigger bounties in GitCoin, and make it more meaningful for open source projects! I don't know how you picture this in practice, though. Something like: open a bounty with something like a mark for "Colony project required", connect that bounty to a colony and let volunteers for that bounty to organize themselves?

austintgriffith commented 6 years ago

Yeah I think Colony would provide the platform for splitting, delegating, and rewarding smaller steps of progress toward a larger overall bounty. Still wondering if this is a good application for this hackathon and I would love feedback or help from the community.

jrmoreau commented 6 years ago

Thanks for posting @austintgriffith !

austintgriffith commented 6 years ago

Neat! launched cooperative bounties today.

This addresses the issue I'm trying to work through, but now I'm wondering how the task delegation/rewarding happens. I will have to play around with the GitCoin interface to decide if Colony would still work well for this. Maybe a standard could still be built around StandardBounties+Colony?

If anyone has more insight into this, please share :)

jrmoreau commented 6 years ago

@gichiba any thoughts on the delegation question?

gichiba commented 6 years ago

Yeah, I think in principle Colony's reputation would do the 'delegation' part quite well. I'd imagine it going down sorta like this: GitColony accepts work on a bounty. Tokens get minted equal to the bounty value. Members of the GitColony create and fund tasks with the tokens. When they complete the tasks, they get tokens and reputation in GitColony. They can then either sell the tokens back to the colony (this is not an explicit feature in colonyNetwork so you might have to think more about how the 'buyback' process would work), or keep them to continue earning rewards.

austintgriffith commented 6 years ago

@gichiba Thanks for the feedback! I've updated the original issue submission to reflect what we have discussed so far including a new Fulfillment contract. This contract would receive the Standard Bounty funds and pay them out to earners of the token native to the Colony.

Does this look like a feasible hackathon project? Is the Beta UI available for hackathon participants? Can a dude get a login?