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Submissions for the Colony Hackathon
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Colony’s Flow States matching engine #46

Open Yanerik opened 6 years ago

Yanerik commented 6 years ago

Colony Hackathon Submission

Project Title

Colony’s Flow States matching engine

Teaser Colony could do predictive matching of members with projects : to use their creative/productive flow state within high value specific context that triggers them.


Vision: The data mining of flow states in a work/mission situation and their specific context for each Colony member to do predictive analysis of the best person to contribute in flow and add the most value according to context and economical potential. In flow we are 5 time more productive and 7 times more creative, we feel so good doing our natural "conative" sequence of action that we do not dare ask for our share of the real added value to the system.

I am interested in a Colony Dapp that would help quantify and identify the very work/contribution context that triggers collaborative flow states and collect a data lake to start doing predictive matching between members work behavior/optimal context and project/sub-colony patterns that critically lack such contribution to take off. With Colony we have 2 levers we may already use to quantify that: 1) We could consider Reputation as a proof of mutual satisfaction of people collaborating on a task within a project, a hint of flow state / wow effect collaboration 2) We could measure the increase of perceived value, or appreciation, or propagation, of a project or Colony when individuals or small teams work in flow states in specific contexts.

That would serve as backbone for a new kind of economy, base on flow state optimally productive and creative, generating uniquely crafted value, novelty and the enriching experience of working with strangers in ecstatic flow state. Our predictive value and solution generation deep learning matching engine would be able to grant visionaries with micro crypto capital, and match them with the right blend of born entrepreneur, project starter, specialized team or development coach, ressource and access fixers/providers, community rockstars that would crowdsource love, and hackers or experts with outstanding talent in the right context, the right human mix, with the right pressure or challenge. Of course, there would be a second market for meta analysis of the project development patterns and their scalability/application to other Colonies, Contexts, Continents, new members on their learning curve.

Project Repository


Team Members and Contact info

@YanErikDecorde (twitter)

Yes we can! Please, join the MVP generation process

jrmoreau commented 6 years ago

Awesome idea! Hope you find some awesome team members.

Yanerik commented 6 years ago

Thanks JR, we are going to use the plateform to iterate our concept and presentation, to find other enthusiasts or leads towards teams working on the project. We would love to have feedbacks from Devs and system architect on the feasablity of such concept. Love to use your hackathon to refine the project.