JoinColony / colonyHackathon

Submissions for the Colony Hackathon
29 stars 38 forks source link

Opinion Rewards #57

Open iworkforthem opened 6 years ago

iworkforthem commented 6 years ago

Colony Hackathon Submission

Project Title

Opinion Rewards

Project Description

How it works: You answer quick tasks and get paid up to $1 for each completed tasks via your Ethereum wallet. Tasks typically take less than 20 seconds.

Easy to use: You'll receive a notification when a short task is waiting for you. These tasks include everything from opinion surveys to hotel and product reviews to location-based merchant satisfaction surveys.

Project Repository

Team Members and Contact info

Where can others reach you during the hackathon? @iworkforthem

Are you open to accepting new team members/contributors? Yes - anyone with node.js / react experience.

gichiba commented 6 years ago

So let me see if I understand this correctly: You'd be creating a sort of service/app that pulls together a bunch of small tasks like surveys, and then allows people to come in and fill them out. It tracks the number of completed surveys a user has done, then uses Colony to pay out a reward. The rewards would come from the businesses that created the surveys. Is that accurate?

I think this sounds interesting, because it would need to solve a problem first: right now, (with ETH @ ~$600), it'd probably be too expensive to create a task, rate it, and do a payout through Colony for every survey. But using colonyJS, you could keep track of many surveys, and then use colony to pay out survey rewards once per month, or something.

Anyways, if you need help finding teammates or getting started, tag me here or come chat in the Gitter!

iworkforthem commented 6 years ago

1/ tasks like surveys, and then allows people to come in and fill them out. - yes, mostly surveys are in the form of multiple choice questions.

2/ it'd probably be too expensive to create a task, rate it, and do a payout through Colony for every survey. - probably a series of tasks.

3/ keep track of many surveys, and then use colony to pay out survey rewards once per month, or something. - yes, plus add-on features like rate participants, payout in different cryptocurrency, etc.

@gichiba ... will do!

adroitperson37 commented 6 years ago

I am interested and I do have node/React/Solidity skills

iworkforthem commented 6 years ago

@adroitperson37 ... let's sync up on Gitter.