JoinSEEDS / seeds_light_wallet
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Streamline blockchain API calls #1951

Open chuck-h opened 2 weeks ago

chuck-h commented 2 weeks ago

Background The Light Wallet hits the blockchain API pretty hard during app startup (lots of ecosystem tokens, transactions, and user profiles being loaded), which makes for sluggish app start and has raised service issues . Most of the information is gathered through individual requests for a single data item, while a properly formatted request could return data from many tokens or many transactions in each call. This would potentially reduce the number of API calls and startup delays by a large factor. In situations where an API call can return many rows of data, we must be prepared for it to be delivered in multiple pages.

Suggestion Observe the startup process and search the code for opportunities to make bulk data calls. Implement a common method for paging in bulk calls, and search the code for existing calls that may need paging support. Search for caching opportunities and implement them where justified.

Nik Comments

This is a result of how we handle tokens at the moment. It was never meant to do more than a handful.

Current Architecture

Suggested new architecture

So this architecture can handle an endless number of tokens with ease without hitting the throttle limits.

PS There might be another ticket on this somewhere

chuck-h commented 2 weeks ago

The list of tokens is held by the tmastr.seeds contract and is downloaded at startup. However new tokens are not added very often. We could add a "last-modified" call to tmastr.seeds and use that for refresh of a local cache. That would let us also check in occasionally for new tokens fairly efficiently if a user keeps the app open for a long time.

Update: adds a "changed_time" timestamp to the tokensmaster config table. This is not is a PR yet.

chuck-h commented 2 weeks ago

We get the list of all approved tokens and their metadata in pages so it is fairly efficient in API calls. Then we go getTokenStat on each token to find its precision. Each of these is a separate API call.

The fact is, we don't need the token precision at all until we need to generate a transfer action. So we could defer this and save a lot of startup API bandwidth.