Jojo-Schmitz / MuseScore

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Awkward single-digit entry required in Page Setup field #331

Open scorster opened 7 months ago

scorster commented 7 months ago

In Format>Page Settings (and some other places) the value fields don't accept a number entered, like: 2.25

    • Select any field in Page Settings, so all digits are highlighted     • Type 2.25

Unexpected result: MuseScore enters 2.00 (It only captures the first digits typed)

With persistence you can enter 2.25 by dealing with digits individually:

    • First select a target digit     • Then type a single-digit entry.     • Continue doing this until you have 2.25.

Here's a related issue:

    • Starting with the value of 2.25     • Select the 25 or .25     • Then and type 35

Unexpected result: 2.30; 2.35 is the expected results

Also related:

It's only possible to (click and) enter a number directly before the decimal point. All other entries are possibly only where a single digit is preselected.

Pretty strange stuff. And it's been this way at least since 3.6.2, at least circa 1999. Fixed in MuseScore 4.

MacOS Ventura 13.5.2

Jojo-Schmitz commented 7 months ago

You can't by chance pinpoint the change that fixed it for Mu4, can you?

scorster commented 7 months ago

You can't by chance pinpoint the change that fixed it for Mu4, can you?

Hi Jojo,

Are you asking if I know the location of the code that remedied this behavior? If so, sorry. No I don't.

Related posts from .org:

Jojo-Schmitz commented 7 months ago

None of these help, unforunately. Netiher did comparing the code for page settings between 3.x and masster help

worldwideweary commented 7 months ago

I think this is just how Qt deals with the forcing of decimal size. If you check Mu4, you don't see "forced" decimals before typing them in the page staff spacing, and you can just type them in. In Mu3, however, the 3 digits of the "mantissa" are forced and "in the way" of typing. Notice Mu4 still has that behavior of forced zeros in the margins though...

You could just remove the digit enforcement if that's what you guys want.

Jojo-Schmitz commented 7 months ago


worldwideweary commented 7 months ago

Not sure, I'll take a look.

worldwideweary commented 7 months ago

Looks like Qt doesn't have this by default according to for example

Either 1) Get used to going backwards, i.e. start on the right-hand side and delete + insert, or 2) Overload the thing to allow for it. That's probably what Mu4 did somewhere: implemented their own doublespinbox

Update: Then again, a cursory overlook of Mu4 doesn't seem to use any special overriding of a QDoubleSpinBox...

scorster commented 7 months ago

In MuseScore 3.6.2 Format>Style>Score>Enable indentation on the first system we have First system indentation. Its default value is 5.25 and editing works as expected without any special “edit from the rear” maneuver required.

Similarly in Format>Style>Measure Numbers (except for the Intervalfield) all of the numeric fields are double decimal real numbers in the format x.xx ... and all are editable without any special “edit from the rear” maneuvers.

Same with Format>Style>System

Makes me wonder if the doublespinners in the Page Settings dialog simply fail to reference the control used in the cited dialogs.


Jojo-Schmitz commented 7 months ago

Yes, there's certainly some inconsistency in behavoir, but so far I haven't been able to pinpoint the reason